Prayer of Worship Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus - TopicsExpress


Prayer of Worship Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus Christs Holy Name. Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, as Your son (daughter), I come to You to worship You as You desire, in Spirit and in Truth. According to John 4:42, I know that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world. Your Spirit witnesses to my spirit, the Truth that Jesus is the Christ and I believe in Him. Lord God, according to John 9, You seek those who worship You and do Your will (Matt. 7:21) out of the love you have placed in their heart for You. Lord create in me a clean heart, a broken and contrite heart, a right heart, repentant in all my ways. Let nothing be done in strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind, knowing that with You Father God, all things are possible, but with man, the flesh, they shall fall short of Your Glory. Lord we do not come to worship just to be doing something, but we come to You out of the intimate love relationship we have with You through the Blood and the Cross. You have created within us a heart of Thanksgiving. We choose to abide in, the Spirit of Truth, so that we are in a continued state of Fellowship and Worship with You, Lord God. According to what David said in Psalms 42:1-2, As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for Thee, O God. My soul thirsts for You, for the living God. My soul yearns (overwhelmingly desires), yea, even pines for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Lord let this be our hearts cry. Let that fire burn ever increasingly in me (each of us). Uphold me with thy free Spirit and let God be magnified! Lord if there be any wicked way within me let it be exposed and taken out of the way. (Psalms 84:2) Lord let no murmuring, complaining, backbiting nor evil be found in me, that my life be a glory, an honor and a praise unto You. Fill me with Your Spirit, Your tender mercies and loving-kindness, that I sing praises to You all of my days. Create in me a heart of worship for I rejoice only in You. You are my joy and the lifter of my head! Through Your Spirit, lead me in rivers of Your worship and truth. Let my hands be lifted up to You as I go through this day and let my life be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2), a sweet savory aroma, that You would be glorified, honored, and my life (lives) be a praise, in the everyday things of life, unto You Lord Jesus. Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, I praise You and worship You. I come to You in love and admiration, through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit I ask You to pray to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to renew a right spirit within me that the mind of Christ arise within me and over all areas of my life. I yield all that I am to You and ask that true praise and worship come forth from my spirit, that I worship my Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and in Truth. That I worship You with all You are because You are Worthy! Lord let true worship bring me into that true oneness with the Father that the cares and things of this life fall away and I truly walk in the light as You are in the light and that I have true fellowship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord enfold me into communion with You because In You I live, and move, and have my being! In true worship I see myself as I truly am, Lord I am truly in need of You, and how gloriously wonderful He IS! Amen
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 08:25:39 +0000

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