Prayer request - This actually a huge praise, but our prayer is - TopicsExpress


Prayer request - This actually a huge praise, but our prayer is that the Lord would give us favor to begin right away: The Erwinia Asparaganise chemo that Elijah is currently receiving has until this point only been available through inter-muscular shots. So far, Elijah has had roughly 40 of these shots over 20 different sessions this past year. As of this week, the FDA has approved Erwinia to be given through an IV. This means that rather than endure 18 more of these shots in his thigh muscles, Elijah could potentially receive the remaining doses through 9 different IV bags accessed through his port. This would be an AMAZING blessing that until yesterday we didnt even think was a possibility. Not only is it a possibility, it could start TOMORROW! In order for this to happen though, there must be miraculous cooperation between our insurance company, the hospital pharmacy, the doctors office, and the nursing case coordinator. We would ask that you would please pray for Gods favor to be shown through all of these entities cooperating and speeding through the approval and registration to switch Elijahs method of treatment starting tomorrow. Please pray for an amazing lady named Cindy who is charged with pushing all of this through today. Whether it happens or not, we are so thankful for life-saving treatment. But if we can trade 18 more shots for 5-6 accesses of his port, what a treat! As another praise, one that is huge, beyond comprehension, December donations to Elijahs orphan challenge are now over $5,250, which will all be matched for a total that is over $10,500! We have already sent in $3,500 to cover the generous gifts from October and November. By Gods amazing grace, this dark, difficult stretch in our lives will result over 400 months of food for an orphan with Hopegivers International in India. This equates to more than 33 children being fed for an entire year! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! If you dont know about Hopegivers, they take the poorest of the poor, the abandoned, neglected, and unwanted children from the villages, cities, and slums of India. They feed, love, and educate each child in the name of Jesus. Upon graduation, over 90 percent of these children go into ministry work throughout India, showing the same love of Christ that theyve been shown. You can learn more about hopegivers at, and if youd like to donate a matched gift to be a part of Elijahs Orphan Challenge, you can do so at teamquiverfull Beyond words, we thank you for your love and prayers!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:06:49 +0000

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