Prayer request for my poor baby Sashka, My baby had an ear - TopicsExpress


Prayer request for my poor baby Sashka, My baby had an ear hematoma and required treatment today. Pls pray that she heals without surgery. Thank you for your prayers God bless For information on ear hematomas here is a link: peteducation/article.cfm?c=2+2091&aid=1591 For your information: My dog eat fruits, veggies, legumes like lentils,split peas, beans, meats, etc. I try my best to give her a natural diet. I only supplement her meals once in a while with dry food if I have no choice due to kidney failure in dogs and cats. I believe in holistic vet care and avoid vaccines as much as possible excpet today I gave her the rabies one to protect her from raccoons and other wild animals that come sometimes to my garden. Any time she has had a medical problem i have treated it naturally. She takes natural supplements for her hip as one time she has an accident and had problems with her hip, that cured naturally, veggie vitamins. omega 3, organic coconut oil, tumeric etc. I also give her apple cider supplements and natural remedies for parasites. The Dr. gave her a complete physical today and if it was not for the fact that her age was in her dossier she would have thought she was a much younger dog. Both the vet and technician were quite impressed with her. The power of prayer and love and a natural approach to health care is what I believe is the secret to a healthy animal. I tried treating the hematoma naturally with holistic medicines but she kept scratching her ear due to a fungus infection in the ear canal which provoked her to scratch her ear andthe internal bleeding. Again thank you for your prayers for a complete healing.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:14:26 +0000

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