Prayer requests Mary Jaynes tumor was cancerous, but they - TopicsExpress


Prayer requests Mary Jaynes tumor was cancerous, but they believe they got it all. She is in a lot of pain and scared. Prayers appreciated. Sam is home, but in quite a bit of pain. I bet she wont rest like she promised. Prayers needed. Barbara was told she cant renew her license till she gets medical approval. Her family wont help so she is stuck. Brett has cancer, but no insurance. Cant afford any of his treatments. Debbie is feeling wrung out. Insurances are fighting over who is going to pay her bill. We still search for the Malaysian plane. Candy has been sick all week with some nasty cough from her work place. Frank and Debbie would like to list their house but cant till Debbie is better Bill, Dawn and the girls are traveling. Prayers for safe journey. Charles is very worried about his wife. Prayers for comfort for him. Mary and Charles need to quit smoking now that Cancer found their home. Matthews new work truck broke with him in it. Prayers for a quick return to work. Corina is trying to plan a wedding with a shoe string budget. Stephanie is dealing with diarrhea and other assorted maladies. Prayers for the animals waking up to find no clear ground to eat from. Everything is ice, and snow and this will force them to find trash cans and bird feeders. Add a name if you wish or pray on what is given. Blessings.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:07:04 +0000

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