Prayer to seek Allahs help Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – - TopicsExpress


Prayer to seek Allahs help Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – Raheem - Prayer to seek Allah’s help. Allah is the same omnipotent Creator who has been called by different names in different ages and has been considered as the Cherisher and the Sustainer. Rahman and Raheem are the two attributes of Allah which are the derivatives of the word ’RAHAM’ meaning Mercy based on which He has set the system of this world, and the Hereafter. (Surah Al- Fatiha: Ayat 2, Surah Al – Baqarah: Ayat 163) AR - REHMAAN To test the progeny of Adam by their deeds, He has created all that is needed by human kind under the protocol of Rehmaniyat (a place of CAUSE and EFFECT) and made the Earth a place where NOTHING can happen without using a resource (Darul-Azbaab) and it’s impossible to fetch a spill of water against this protocol . Therefore, those who believe and spread that any good or evil can be done/caused without using a resource are dis-obedients of Ar-Rehman (Surah Mariyum: Hayat 44) and rejecters of Rehmaniyat (Surah Raad: Ayat 30) Creating matter and granting property to it is Rehmaniyat. To perfectly measure and compensate for deeds (good or evil/ submissive or rebellious), faith and obedience is Rehmaniyat. Heed and rectify as Satan (iblis) has challenged that he would make majority of the Adam’s progeny thankless towards Allah by tempting them (to believe) against his rigid system of nourishment and need fulfillment (Rehmaniyat). (Surah Araf: Ayat 17) As per the above context, leading life by making use of resources granted by Him is the right way. All that is related to reciting spells, magic, luck, evil influences, amulets, knotted strings, soothsaying, exorcising and evil eye [ Nazr-e-Bad = a look that is believed to have the power of inflicting harm ] are just false beliefs and had been originated by satan. AL - RAHEEM (The One who shows mercy again and again) Not catching you right away for your sins and forgive you when you seek forgiveness is Raheemiyath (Allah’s Mercy). (Surah Ahzaab: Ayat 23) Which means Allah’s mercy is especially for the believers. To explain the same in a simple way, Allah SWT narrates the history of previous generations. If the one who called people to ALLAH (‘One God’, Monotheism) was conspired to be killed then the conspirators and the collaborators were destroyed and the caller and his companions were saved by Allah. (Surah Shura: Ayat 9, 28, 104, 175, 191). Every soul would be resurrected on the Judgement day and would be rewarded per their deeds is also the part of Rehemaaniyat (Allah’s Mercy). (Surah Anaam: Ayat 12) The clause “Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – Raheem” was revealed only once as an integral part of Surah Naml : Ayat 30. In the above context, when prophet Solomon sent a letter to the queen of Sheba (Bilqis), he commenced the letter with “Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – Raheem”. Scholars have different opinions on “Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – Raheem” being the first Ayat of every Surah or not except of Surah Tauba. Beginning every activity by saying “Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – Raheem” looks simple but in actuality by proclaiming it one declares that he can neither do that activity on his own nor accurately. By proclaiming the name of the Lord, one can make out whether the activity he has chosen to do is good or sinful. As a result one might hold on and try to or protect himself from committing a sinful deed. However, if one commits an act of disobedience, this (pronouncement) may make him not only to perceive his mistake, but also make him to repent (immediately) and rectify himself, so that the repercussions are avoided. And this is what Allah SWT has guided us to do. (Surah Hashr: Ayat 18) It is impossible for the progeny of Adam to be successful in the test of life in view of the prevailing temptations of Satan, his own desires or the inducements of the environment. Hence the Lord has guided us to follow certain instructions which will make success achievable. One of such ways is to proclaim ‘Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – Raheem’ before doing anything which He taught us through his prophet. (Surah Naml: Ayat 30) Beware! For quite some time “786” or “Bismitala” are being used as alternatives to ‘Bismillah- hir- Rahman- nir – Raheem’. In this way one is depriving himself from the best way of returning to God which must be rectified.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:28:56 +0000

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