Prayers and pleas from the heart are heard loud and clear by God!! - TopicsExpress


Prayers and pleas from the heart are heard loud and clear by God!! The doctors did all they could and then.... The prayers flooded the gates. What other explanation is there for this Drews amazing progress?? When they gave little hope, God gave more healing! Time is on his side now to finish the job of having Drew rest and heal more! It gives me the chills to think that 13 days ago our world was shattered when we heard the news. It cant be Mel and Ricks boy!! Disbelief and sorrow rushed through our hearts! Then the reality sunk in and the begging began. Soon hundreds were praying, now thousands are Im sure. Obviously its working thank God!! We too have gone through years of heartache praying that our adopted son would one day be ours to keep. We fought hard in the courts against his biological parents who gave him such a rotten start in life. His eyesight was barely above blind level due to brain damage in his occipital lobe We fought against all odds as we had no biological link The only thing we had was unwavering love and devotion to this beautiful child. We cried many nights thinking we would lose him to these people. The only way we could fight was through prayer and love!! Well we won the battle and he is a happy , most kind and loving boy !! The other amazing thing is his eyesight has been restored to near normal and no longer needs the help of the school for the blind and visually impaired. He is bright and funny as heck! This is the first time Ive shared this storey publicly but I need you to know that Im now passing on this miracle to my dear friends. We dont need it anymore, we have everything we want. I need God to pass it on to Drew so that he can be given back to you. Healthy and happy just like our boy is now. He passes by your old house on his bike with his friends many times and as I watch from our window I pray his love of life is passed on to Drew. This will happen. It did for us even though we thought there wasnt a chance. In the darkest hours we prayed for a miracle. We have that miracle. His name is Bailey and we love him beyond life just as you love your children Im sure of that. God listens to prayers from the heart... Thats why your Drew will be the next miracle. We are paying it forward to our dear friends!!! Love you! Xoxo
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:55:34 +0000

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