Prayers and positive thoughts for Annabelle.... 11 days until she - TopicsExpress


Prayers and positive thoughts for Annabelle.... 11 days until she goes back to Boston. Her weight is very important and strongly affects how well she does with this next step open heart surgery. We have finally gotten her gaining weight pretty good but the last few days she has developed problems. Heading to see a GI doctor today. She is only gained 15 grams in the last 3 days after averaging 40 per day and she has blood in her stool. And most importantly the child who very rarely fusses or complains is clearly uncomfortable and struggling. Grammy is very emotional and struggling. To my non Christian friends sorry but its how I cope . I really need to know people are praying I have seen miracles with this little girl and I believe with all of my heart that the power of prayer is what is going to get us through this. I have heard the doctors say the words preparing us for the worst. I have seen the specialists amazed looks when she surprises even them. I have watched her turn blue and stop breathing as the machines and monitors go crazy with their deafening alarms. I have heard the doctors gently talking to her saying kind words like come on baby girl you can do this in a tone of voice that betrayed their doubt. I have felt Gods reassurance gently enveloped me as she proved their doubts wrong and again began to breathe. I apologize to the People you dont feel as I do but as we approach this next milestone I just need the strength I get from knowing my brothers and sisters and friends are praying together as one. Im scared I see her strength i see her struggling she is such a blessing.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:25:52 +0000

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