Praying for Jolie Shipley and Caroline Wiedenfeld to win. Its time - TopicsExpress


Praying for Jolie Shipley and Caroline Wiedenfeld to win. Its time to STOP the corruption! And Here Goes The Corruption So you - the voting public - do you want to see how corrupt election time can get? Well sure enough - the Review intercepted an email from the backrooms of the democratic party - and here we go! We learn from this email - that operation one vote which is the black communities (notice we did not say the minority community) day when they roll with the pew to the polls. Everyone goes to church - then they are all loaded up into vans and buses and taken to vote. After that, a nice box lunch is served. It is sponsored by many of the churches. The problem this year? Lack of funding. So an email went out and we have it? Oh yes we do. Now first, in the original email, a very nice lady by the name Bobby Patterson (huh-isnt that an elected official?) writes this : Please join the voters as we go vote on Sunday, October 26, 2014, from 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. Many churches have decided that from 1:00 -2:00 p.m. is the time that they will participate in the Operation One VOTE From the Pews to the Polls- Get out to Vote after Church on Sunday. Operation One VOTE is also celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 AND FREEDOM SUMMER that took place 50 years ago in the summer. Most churches are going to Theodore Johns Library and John Paul Davis Community Center to vote in recognition of Freedom Sunday TX to increase voter turnout; I hope you will be there to greet your voters. There are two other early voting sites in Beaumont - Beaumont Courthouse and Rogers Park Community Center where voters will be voting,also. Previously, Operation One Vote had planned to serve lunch after voting that day as we have done in the past; and had asked for your financial support via sponsorship. That request was in the letter given to you at the October 6 candidates forum. We have decided to cancelled lunch. Thank you to some of you who were willing to help in this endeavor. Please confirm if you are going be present at either/both polls Sunday so I may let the ministers know. Either email or call me at bjpatter2@aol or 409-553-1846; Thank you to all of you and best wishes to you! Are you confused - church and state? Awwww cut it out please. Lets continue. So panic sets in and get this - now a candidate wants to....huh? Really? This from NONE OTHER THAN THOMAS SIGEE? Thanks for the update Bobbie I was in the planning stages of Freedom Sunday and that committee will be providing lunch as well as other things for that day. Some friends of mine have decided to do something to support me. I asked that they do it in the North End. I have heard that this area feels neglected so we have been walking the precincts. The Rally will occur on Magnolia Park we will have a DJ and provide lunch as well. We wont be able to put political signs on city property but we can wear the Candidates T-shirts. We will have church vans to bring people to the Davis Community Center to Vote. I ask for your help in spreading the work October 25th Magnolia Park 12:00-4:00pm Free Free Free So those of us in the political know want to know - who his friends are and what are they going to do to support Tommy boy. And not only to support Tommy boy - but are they going to put it on his campaign contribution reports? And back to the scene guessed it! MAGNOLIA PARK? The rally will have a DJ? Free Food? many campaign rule violations are you counting??? Do you want more? Oh get this. Wendy Davis as of this writing is meeting for a block walk in a black sector of Beaumont. Guess where the big meet up is? No....not Solid Rock Church in Beaumont? NO WAY!!! RIGHT? Remember Republican means RICH? Wait - isnt Wendy Davis RICH? Our bad? Anyway - what we are trying to show you today is how the system works. There are no rules - it is a free fall as now lawsuits are being formed in Austin regarding attorneys and giving money to candidates that overreach spending limits....and Jefferson County is going to be a target of such. Yep - it is going to much up the waters. Big time. What we are trying to say to all of you - is that desperation has hit as the republican tide is lapping at the door of Jefferson County. The question is - will it work? The only safe democrat sitting there today is Judge Robert Wortham running for DA. All the rest of the democrats are now in play. 12th Hour Shock - Infuriates Republicans In what is being called a 12th Hour shocker - The Southeast Texas Political Review has learned that three major groups from around Texas have come to the aide of the Jefferson County Republicans and their candidates. The story is pretty politically interesting - but goes like this. The past Wednesday, Don Dodd with the Examiner put out an editorial regarding two candidates being Democrat Kent Walston and Republican Charlie Wiggens. And in his comments on local Attorney Jolei Shipley - and it roared up both the GOP and Statewide interest groups that have dumped in over $200,000 in support - on all levels pushing the GOP. The first comment that was made by Dodd in the weekly Examiner suggested that long time attorney Kent Walston had the means to pick up the phone and call the attorneys in the US Attorneys office and get the BISD situation solved. Meaning in part - that Kent Walston was part of the solution that got the board of mangers and prosecution of some of the folks that worked at BISD. That left the door open to anger the BISD reformers, some in the political circles in the GOP that shook their heads uh huh as it has always been thought that Walston had inside stroke with Walstons wife works inside the US Attorneys office. This unduly angered the GOP as the US Attorneys office is seen as inept and unable to prosecute those guilty of crimes against the citizens of Jefferson County. The second was the Examiner actually accused Charlie Wiggins, the guy that has done nothing to anyone other than be a good and honest man to his family, was accused of being a criminal. Wiggins is very much a favorite of the high ranking GOPERS and they went into overdrive. According to sources close to our Austin sources, the money will be given to three GOP PACS for phone banks, local TV and last minute radio ads. This money marks the first time that the GOP and the GOP Austin has dumped major money into not one or two races - but all races in making a statement. If the democrats are going to lie - we are going to make em work for their races. We will be damned if they cannot win without lying. We will shove it up their ***** and we got some money to do just that, said the source. In Austin - the mood was about the same. They are lying about the Wiggins candidate because they damn sure know Wiggins is going to not give them the courts they want, said a source in the Austin GOP. Be very well assured, we may not have the money, but we have the money to make change now. And that is what we are going to do. We are going use this money and we are going to make sure this money wins us seats. Our take? First, the comments by the Examiner and Don Dodd were out of line. If anyone thinks Kent Walston had any effect on BISD they are simply nuts. And Kent Walston would tell you that. He simply would never say that. We are betting that is was an exaggeration by Dodd and not fact checked. Walstons name was never ever heard by anyone during the fiasco. As for Rugg, he too would tell you he had nothing to do with it because it he could not because of the judicial ethics that both he and Walston must stay neutral as district judges and candidates because there is a case in the court that misspending. Again - Dodd took liberties in our opinion and it might have cost Walston the race as now the GOP is fired up. Second, accusing Charlie Wiggins - one of the leaders of the republican movement - of a crime is so novice and childish that someone had to know the backlash would be hard. And so it is - as now hundreds of thousands of dollars will be dumped into the race. So in this 12th hour - major money is being dumped into the county for the first time for a big movement into get out the vote campaign. And so here we go - open the gates and let them come. # # #
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 11:00:16 +0000

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