Praying tonight, I was led to post this for someone. I dont know - TopicsExpress


Praying tonight, I was led to post this for someone. I dont know who, but God does. One of you reading this is on the verge of giving up on life. You are ready to quit. The pains, struggles, hurts, an unanswered questions have made you feel like their is simply no more hope for you. You feel as if you have done nothing but fail. Fail your loved ones, fail your friends, but most of all yourself. Your past has been coming back and you cant seem to push it away. You are at the edge of the cliff in the midst of the darkness, broken and in despair. You sit and you ask yourself why? Why the pain? Why are the cuts so deep? What have you done? What use to be so on fire now seems to be nothing but a watered out ember that once was and you feel as if it will never be kindled again. The enemy has slowly came into your mind and the misery seems to be sky high over you. Suffocated with unbearable grief and sadness, you feel as if the only way out is too end what seems to be nothing but a shattered soul. The words, I give up has been creeping up on you and the enemy has confused you with a lie that to you at this moment seems to be truth. Precious one, you arent alone in this uphill battle. You are not a failure or a shame, but your a victor in Christ Jesus. Oh, the love he has for you. You are the apple of his eye. Dont give up. You have pushed through this far. What seems to be broken beyond recognition, he will piece it back together more beautiful than before. He gave his life so you may live, so you may have hope through your hardships, and so you may have peace through your tears. He is calling you back. Cant you hear the gentle tug and the soft whisper in your heart of the Messiah as he speaks. Come back to me, Child. My love is greater than all love, and my ways are higher than all. My love is never ending. You are not alone in your trials, for it is I who am standing beside you. Come to me. I will give you rest. I am who I say I am. I am the prince of peace. I am the mighty counselor. I am. All who come to me will never thirst again. I am the bread of life. My blood was shed so you could overcome. I love you, dear one. Dont give up. Dont lose hope. He is going to restore the relationships. He is going to pick you up out of the pit that you seem to have been trying to climb up out of for so very long. Freedom is yours. Peace is yours. Revelation is yours. The chains and bondages of hell will be broken if you just call out his name. He loves you more than you could ever imagine. More than any words can describe or any picture could portray. As the whips dug into his flesh, and the blood oozed out of his back, he was thinking of you. As the nails were drove deep into his hands, he was thinking of you. As he was taunted and mocked by the world, he was thinking of you. As he hung on that ol wooden cross, he was thinking of you. He has a plan for your life. Regardless of your past, with him you will have a future. The depression will be gone. The oppression will be lifted. The sorrow and shame will fade away. A new feeling of righteousness is awaiting you. Cast your burdens and troubles upon him this night and let him give you freedom from the lies of the enemy. The anointing on your life is mighty and strong. Dont think, how will I do it? Because the spirit that lives on the inside will do it for you. Submit to him. Dont end something the Lord has such great plans for. Plans to prosper you and to use your testimony to bring many to him. Restoration. Freedom. Deliverance. are yours my friend. Call out to his name. Those watered out flames, he will re kindle them brighter than before. The victory is yours. I too have been on the verge of ending my life. I thought the same thoughts. I cried out in the darkness the same exact way. The lies from the pits of hell had swallowed me just as they have you but as I prayed I felt the Lord lead me to post this and I know the one who needs it will read it. If I can make it, you can too. Jesus is waiting on you, dear one. God bless.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:05:41 +0000

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