Pre fight workout! Twice a week for 4-6 weeks Strength Training - TopicsExpress


Pre fight workout! Twice a week for 4-6 weeks Strength Training For Boxing & Martial Arts Legs Toe Press: This will build power in your calves. Move the sled on the leg press to the top position. Place 150% to 250% more weight on the leg press than you usually use. Place the balls of your feet on the bottom of the sled with your heels just off the sled. Use your calf muscles to press your toes forward and move the sled one inch. Do not remove the safety stops on the machine. That way the sled cannot descend into your weak range. Hold that static position for 5 to 10 seconds. If you can hold it longer, then the weight is too light. Next workout, increase the weight 25% Leg Press: Use the same setup and procedure as above but plant your feet squarely on the sled. Use the power in your quadriceps to press the sled up one inch and hold it there. Again, do not remove the safety stops on the sled. Hold that static position for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not lock out. Again, if you can hold it longer, then the weight is too light (this applies for all of the exercises). Next workout increase weight by 25%. Shoulders Seated Shoulder Press: This builds power in the entire shoulder girdle. Use a shoulder press machine that allows you to limit the range of motion. (You can also set a barbell inside a power rack or use a Smith machine.) Position the bar two inches below your locked out reach. Place 50% to 150% more weight on the bar than you normally use. Using a shoulder-width grip, press the bar up one inch. Hold that static position for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not lock out. Next workout, increase the weight 15% Triceps. Close-Grip Bench Press: Your triceps extend your arm during a punch. This is a fantastic exercise for building massive power into the triceps. Position the bar in a power rack or Smith machine so that it rests two inches from your farthest reach. Place 50% to 150% more weight on the bar than you normally would. Using a narrow grip with your hands about six inches or less apart, press the bar up one inch. Hold that static position for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not lock out. Next workout, increase the weight 15% This routine will skyrocket the strength in the most essential muscles used to deliver power punches. It will give you massive punching power in the exact range of motion you need it. Danny coach Poulsom
Posted on: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 08:00:08 +0000

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