Preach the message of Jesus Christ with and through the Holy - TopicsExpress


Preach the message of Jesus Christ with and through the Holy Spirits Power ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirits power - 1 Cor. 2:4 That means in those days there were people who were speaking with wise and persuasive words - words that is spoken among worldly meetings and not in the temple of GOD... As Paul says the message of Jesus Christ should be backed up with Gods Power and witness of the Holy Spirit.. Only when the Holy Spirit GOD has been the author of the Message (or) when the Holy Spirit GOD is involved in the Preaching of Gods Word => We can see GODs Mighty Power Work.. As the Holy Spirit will convince, convict , encourage , comfort and strengthen people...It is then that GOD assures to bless and multiply His Word 100 times... Preaching/Ministering that does not involve the Holy Spirit GOD becomes mere words and has no effect on anyones life.. Today we see people preaching with wise and persuasive words thinking that their wisdom will suit the needs (but it does not in any way) it has no effect on people lives... We cannot and should never preach the Word of GOD out off emotion, it will not reach the people.. If you are involved in Preaching Gods Word, spend time in His presence and get revelation from GOD waiting at His feet. And when you stand at the altar let not emotion take control of you but the Holy Spirit take complete control .. For it is Lords service and it was never yours..When we allow the Lord to take control.The Holy Spirit will speak the right words and touch His people by His Power (Confirming through His Word) For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power - 1 Cor. 4:20 How true ? Jesus Christ is not dead He is alive and lives forever and ever.. Christians like to minister - like the talk show talking... talking..... Yes we need to talk in the Might of the Holy Spirit and in accordance with Gods Leading every word spoken should accompany with Power and Confirmation.. Then truly you have been sent by GOD because it is no longer you speaking but the Holy Spirit inside you is speaking and confirming the Word.. Glory to the Name of Jesus.. A day will come where the Lord will Test each mans Work by Fire.This Fire is the Fire of the Holy Spirit.. The Work that has been done by and through the Holy Spirit (Singing , Praying , Preaching, Worship, Service) will not be burnt and Lord Jesus will reward us richly..But any other work for the Lord without the Holy Spirit initiation/leading will be burnt by the Fire of GOD Their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each persons work - 1 Cor. 3:13 If the Lord has really chosen and called you for a particular His Vineyard Never be proud of it (or) take it lightly (or) do it with competition (Lord can never work through you with this kind of heart) prepare your heart, humble yourself, wait in His presence, Be filled with the Holy Spirit and when opportunity comes minister through the Holy Spirit.And after ministering look out for the Confirmation of His Word His Power manifested..Only when that confirmation comes remember your Service for the Lord is accepted else not.. May the Lord Jesus Lead each one of us into ministering by and through His Spirit.. GOD BLESS
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 06:49:19 +0000

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