Preaching as worship Over the years that I’ve been - TopicsExpress


Preaching as worship Over the years that I’ve been following Christ, I have heard many, many preachers. Some have left me thinking, “What a wonderful speaker”. Others have me rejoicing, “What a wonderful Saviour” Spirit filled preaching exalts Christ and not the man. We have for many years been programmed to think of songs as the worship and preaching as the sales pitch. But I have heard church music that has no worship component in it. And I’ve heard occasionally preaching that presents the Redeemer in full view. Preaching that melts the heart, softens the eyes and fills the mind with thoughts of glory. It is possible to teach and preach accurately and clearly with sound doctrine and yet miss the heart of worship that the Living God seeks. A man may give much accurate information about his wife but if there is no sense of adoration in his words, it is less than edifying. Similarly a man may preach with biblical accuracy and yet his words may be dry lifeless and devoid of devotion. But some preach as preaching should always be. Full of hope and faith; words brimming over with heaven bathed and heaven bound gratitude. The words may or may not be eloquent but the fervent fullness of the speakers revelation of the person of God speaks more than words can do. Paul the apostle denounced eloquence and wise utterances and yet the words he wrote still ignites hearts today. As do the other inspired writers of the New Testament. As someone who has had the misfortune to be taught how to preach, it is my humble opinion that there can be far too much emphasis on the method and not enough on the Master. There can be a lust to be clever and not a desire to be clear. Preaching, it seems to me is first and foremost a presentation of the King. “Behold the Lamb of God” , John the baptizer declared. Not clever nor articulate but multitudes beheld the Lamb as a result. A true preacher bows his heart as he lifts his voice. He may notice the crowd but his focus is on the King. “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith”, the writer to the Hebrews counselled, and the Spirit called preacher fixes his eyes knowing Christ is the author and finisher of his message. Preachers and teachers are as diverse as we should expect from the infinite creativity of our Infinite Creator. Some are prophetic in their call to holiness. Others lean to teaching and expertly open the scriptures to shed light on the sacred text. Others are true shepherds as they seek to feed and gently lead the flock, but all preachers called of God have this one thing in common, their preaching is an act of worship. A declaration of their devotion, an exposition of their Divine Friend and a statement of faith in a faultless Redeemer. Mens minds may bow to the power of an argument. The will may be convinced by dire threats or extravagant bribes. Outward actions may be brought to a shallow conformity by peer pressure. But a glimpse of the King with His train filling the temple bows heart, mind and knee. And this is the holy task of the preacher of the everlasting gospel, to grant a glimpse of the King, high and lifted up, that men may (as Isaiah did) recognise their fallen-ness and be raised up cleansed and sent forth on a holy mission in holy service to the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 52:7-8 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Your watchman shall lift up their voices, with their voices they shall sing together; for they shall see eye to eye when Yahweh brings back Zion
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:14:52 +0000

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