Precious In God’s Eyes By David C. McCasland Read: Psalm - TopicsExpress


Precious In God’s Eyes By David C. McCasland Read: Psalm 116 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. —Psalm 116:15 In response to the news that a mutual friend of ours had died, a wise brother who knew the Lord sent me these words, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Ps. 116:15). Our friend’s vibrant faith in Jesus Christ was the dominant characteristic of his life, and we knew he was home with God in heaven. His family had that assurance as well, but I had been focused only on their sorrow. And it’s appropriate to consider others during their grief and loss. But the verse from Psalms turned my thoughts to how the Lord saw the passing of our friend. Something “precious” is something of great value. Yet, there is a larger meaning here. There is something in the death of a saint that transcends our grief over their absence. “Precious (important and no light matter) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (His loving ones)” (The Amplified Bible). Another paraphrase says, “His loved ones are very precious to him and he does not lightly let them die” (The Living Bible). God is not flippant toward death. The marvel of His grace and power is that, as believers, our loss of life on earth also brings great gain. Today we have only a glimpse. One day we’ll understand it in the fullness of His light. So when my last breath Shall rend the veil in twain By death I shall escape from death And life eternal gain. —Montgomery Faith builds a bridge across the gulf of death.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:44:21 +0000

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