Precious People This is The Word Of God COMING TO The CHURCH. HE - TopicsExpress


Precious People This is The Word Of God COMING TO The CHURCH. HE SAYS I DO NOT DWELL in THE MODERN CHURCHES, And He Commands LET THE RICH HUMBLE THEMSLVES, LAY DOWN THEIR CROWNS,AND TRULY SEEK ME In THE VILLAGES AND STREET CORNERS AND I WILL RESTORE THEM;- Let me start This Message of the Lord With this Repentance To the Lord, Sometimes Back I Was in A church Reffered to As the Modern Church...Where worshipers are explicit with their dressing desighner clothes,and make ups made them look very good looking-elagant people ,very expensive vehicles parked and after the service, tea cakes and books are outside on sale. On this particular day i met TWO STREET childrens and they were standing Beside The Church begging for food or money from the RICH believers with their classy lifestyle as they entered the church ofcourse some passed them others might have helped but as i arrived and saw them instead of offering the little money i had....LOOK What i did , I told The ushers standing there chase the Streets children away, how can they borrow money from believers?, And infact I Said They are also chasing other believers away...Oh GOD Forgive ME!! But now that Was then What is the message therein He Says At That Time the Kingdom Of God, Shall be like A Servant Sent to Invite the RICH, The MIDDLE CLASS And To the POOR But They Rejected The Servant, Some Abused The servant, Some flogged the Servant....And The Lord Sent The Servant to the street corners and to the villages, the dwelling of the poor, And He told the servant...In Those Places YOU SHALL FIND MY BRIDE They Will Come And enter..The POOR surely welcomed the servant And Entered. NOW, When Jesus Was preaching Did he preach In The Capitals of Jerusalem? Did He preach On the Synagogues Where the likes of Herod and Pharisees dwelled as their temples? Where did John the Baptised preached? Jesus And John the baptist they Both preached in the Street CORNERS...They preached in VILLAGES ..And the word records they preached Sometimes at the far end of towns near the deserts...And When OUR LORD JESUS passed through the town in the capital He met The Rich People there..What Were they Doing there, they were buying and Selling And HE told them You have Made The HOUSE OF MY FATHER TO BE A DEN OF ROBBERS....And this was a prophecy to the modern church, that all it can do Is to create a conducive environments for robbers, starting with the shepheard preaching A Sugar gospel And the congregants of the rich people enjoyin that gospel... But Now The LOrd Says I Am WILLING to Restore The RICH But FIRST they MUST LAY DOWN THEIR CROWNS And LEAVE their MODERNISM And Seek ME in The Street CORNERS And Villages..I WILL RESTORE THEM...When you Sit, look And See some of the Pharisees became Wise And Came OUT from their modern temples And Headed to baptised By John. Where In the deserts...Nicodemus came down at night And Sought the Wisdom from our lord JESUS....Zachaeus The rich man, From His Good Mansionate heard Jesus was passing by...And He Came down To see Jessus...It did not matter to him Anymore, HE Said I Am rich But i have to climb the tree and see this man....The Rich man asked ..Lord How Do i Get born Again And He Was told Go Sell Everything And Come back...Meaning Go Lay Down your crowns.....THEY ALL LAID DOWN THEIR CROWNS And Met JESUS in the STREET CORNERS... The Lord Is Willing BUT many People Are still bounded in the Modern Church...And The Lord Asks If YOU truly Know Me You Would know that I Am the LORD who Was, who is , Who is to come...My WAYS Are Familiar They have not Changed Like you have in your MODERN CHURCHES....Where are the cripples, the lame And the blind in the modern churches? And if they are there Why Do you refer them to BIG Cancer And HEART hospitals and You do fundraising and institute counselling programmes to the broken hearted ? You have Made GOD LOOK A LIER.....BUT BEHOLD HE SAYS I AM NOT A LIER...I WANT TO HEAL MY PEOPLE, I HEAL THEM THERE AT THE STREETS AND VILLAGES...Lay Down You crowns I WILL HEAL YOU AND YOUR PEOPLE FREE OF CHARGE...If Jesus Was to Comes back and Walk on this Earth like HE DID BEFORE, Where Will He Walk To the Lowly and to the meek In THE STREET Corners...If He happens to Walk in YOU MODERN TEMPLES Wherr u jump And dance immorally for the Lord, and All people including the Pastors Are immorally dressed...I SURELY TELL YOU THE TRUTH...HE WILL FLOG YOU AND TURN THE TABLES...THEN You Will know HE IS LORD....He Says: You modern churches With Presidents, minsiters, Ceos, managers,Where a comfortable gospel of investments and compromises and You Lock out my Street Children And Forget about my WIDOWS AND ORPHANS...HE SAYS I AM NOT IN YOUR MODERN CHURCHES, FILTHY TENTS THAT BUY AND SELL...HE Says I am in the Streets...My Servants are Proclaiming the gospel of REPENTANCE in The streets...I have Sent them to the villages....Only the Poor in Physical And In Spirit Listen to THEM....I Also Sent Them to you but you have abused them and Despised them...But LISTEN THE RICH I STILL LOVE YOU....YOU TOO ARE DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM....BUT YOU MUST LAY DOWN YOUR CROWNS AND COME TO STREETS...I WILL RESTORE YOU PERMANENTLY-Says The Lord.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:05:28 +0000

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