Precious friends !!!! Allow me to bring to your attention another - TopicsExpress


Precious friends !!!! Allow me to bring to your attention another urgent prayer item . Another family who have been called into ministry and to reach the world with the gospel , have had their funds hold up in one of the banks in United States . They have been following this for along time , they have a huge heart both in their ministry and heart to reach out , train and mentor other leaders across Africa . Please speak to this mountain , that today it be removed completely . 1;That the bank to immediately expedite the process . 2 That the bank calls them urgently 3;That they use the money to care for their lives and ministry that God has laid in their lives . Whoso ever , will say unto this mountain , be thou removed and cast into the sea , and does not doubt , but believeth whatsoever he /she saith , shall receive what he asketh . Lord tonight we decree that this mountain be thou removed . Let your freedom reign and let this servant of receive what is rightly belongs to them in Jesus mighty name .
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 14:04:32 +0000

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