Precious one... when its revealed,, in no uncertain terms, that - TopicsExpress


Precious one... when its revealed,, in no uncertain terms, that you are the old one, and the special person you thought, just MIGHT be..., excitedly shows up at church, proudly flaunting his new girlfriend in front of your nose, and takes great delight on making sure you receive the news flash, via your kids... take it as His way of getting rid of the old, and God permanently shutting that door, in loving protection and preparation for your soon introduction to his chosen Boaz! Take a deep breath. Count it ALL JOY! Forgive and release, in the Love of Christ... and move onward and forward, by FAITH alone. Trusting your loving, Heavenly Abba has someone even more perfectly suited and customer fitted, exclusively for YOU... just up ahead! Ironically, Id hoped to introduce him to my family when they were visiting, over Thanksgiving. Obviously, DOOR CLOSED! At least God spared me that rejection. Lesson emphatically reviewed, once again... under NO CONDITIONS, can I trust my lying, deceitful heart, flesh and emotions... especially when flights of romantic fantasy, collide with illusions of grandeur,.. called wishful thinking! Cant believe how wrong I was, but thankful God gave clear, unmistakable answer to my prayers, even though it wasnt the one of hoped for, or was believing was His will. Lord, please help me keep my eyes exclusively upon you... trusting YOU will lead Boaz to me, in you perfect timing. Back to gleaning! Thank you JESUS!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 05:59:47 +0000

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