Precisely Timed War Propaganda The alleged beheading is now - TopicsExpress


Precisely Timed War Propaganda The alleged beheading is now dominating the establishment news cycle, overshadowing events in Ferguson, Missouri. The media invariably engages in wall-to-wall coverage when a journalist is killed, especially in such a sensational and grotesque manner. The alleged murder will undoubtedly be exploited by the state as it ramps up re-intervention in Iraq under the humanitarian banner. In the meantime, it is the responsibility of the corporate media to produce public outrage and further demonize IS, a paramilitary group created by the U.S. and its Gulf Emirate associates and trained by the United States military in Jordan. “The extremists’ immediate goal was to use the shocking images to intimidate the Obama administration into halting U.S. airstrikes on ISIS strongholds in Iraq,” reports the International Business Times. In fact, as ISIS undoubtedly knows, the exact opposite will occur – the United States and its partners will step up their bombing campaign, using the video as a convenient propaganda tool and capitalizing on popular outrage over the group. The New York Post, owned by News Corp. magnate Rupert Murdoch, mustered its editorial board this morning and declared the “time for games is over” and the “horrific wake-up call” of Foley’s alleged murder demands military retaliation. “With American lives now being taken and even more at risk, America is now directly involved. No more playing footsie with butchers.” Johan Galtung, a Norwegian sociologist and the principal founder of the discipline of peace and conflict studies, has described how the establishment media exploits violence to propagandize the foreign policy objectives of the state. Manicheanism, the art of portraying one side as brutal and evil while the other is viewed as a chaste and innocent victim, plays a dominant role in war propaganda. This is the process we are now witnessing in regard to the alleged murder of James Foley. The establishment media will continue to employ this tactic, along with decontextualizing the violence – dwelling on irrational emotional responses while ignoring the underlying reasons for violence and, in the case of ISIS, omitting the fact the group and its mercurial leader are largely a creation of U.S. intelligence and its partners. ISIS was created and is financed by the Obama administration, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and Qatar – four of the United States’ biggest allies in the region. And ISIS is simply Al-Qaeda repackaged....when a government cannot manipulated its people into war through false-flag attacks, it simply resorts to other options, in this case, creating a mercenary army to do its bidding. Dont believe the lieing television news, because they are financed by the same and similar entities. Go to infowars to understand the truth in matters such as these. This video was designed to outrage the American public, to make them bloodthirsty, to get the war drums beating. Which is exactly what the Obama administration is hoping we will fall for.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:52:39 +0000

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