Predicting the behavior of a child is not difficult. When media - TopicsExpress


Predicting the behavior of a child is not difficult. When media and politicians act in kind, it is not hard to predict their immature words. It was easily predictable that once insurance companies began to cancel policies, or cancel and offer new policies for higher costing policies, the Left would blame the insurance company, instead of blaming the law that was created to compel the insurance company to act. Obama has already called the plans that were canceled, sub-standard. Who is to define sub-standard? The law mandates that plans cover a plethora of new items. These items include coverage that a customer may not want. But now, government says they HAVE to have it. Where does choice go when government enters the equation? Down the toilet. And yet again, there is someone in Washington telling me they know what is better for my insurance plan than I do. Tell me how that is not at least a soft tyranny? One day I know what coverage I want, and I go and buy it. The next day, my neighbor knocks on my door and tells me not only does he know what is better for my insurance plan, but he and others on the block got together and have decided my current plan is not good enough and I MUST purchase a better one, in THEIR eyes, a more expensive one, including all the extra goodies I have no interest in being covered for. So, I say to my neighbor, go to hell, and get your nose out of my business. I firmly believe that every one of us needs to begin comparing government interference in our lives as on par with our neighbors interfering with our lives. How is it not different? After all, the government is the people. The people are those who walk and live among us every day. Of the people around me, my neighbor is one. So, by extension, when someone in Washington writes a law and tells me I HAVE to obey, it is no different than my neighbor sticking his head in my door commanding me to do something. Again, by extension, your neighbor has no business doing so, therefore, neither does your government. Maybe with the two prior paragraphs, you will begin to understand the need for small government. We are a Constitutional Republic. By definition, in order for it to survive and for our freedoms and liberties to be protected, small govt. is a must. When government gets too large, it begins to feel it can do anything it wants...interfere anywhere it wants. That is where we are today. A man named John Roberts is not a god. This law has no constitutional basis, as do most laws that come out of Washington. He called it a tax, yet the Constitution calls for all taxing legislation to originate in the House of Representatives. The ACA originated in the Senate. Violation, but apparently no one cares. John Roberts is of the judiciary. He is not of the legislative branch, yet, with his opinion, he re-wrote the law. He re-wrote the penalty to be a tax, when the laws authors did nothing but insist on the contrary. This can never be said enough. I have no interest in interfering in your life, in your personal business, in your healthcare. When I vote, that is exactly what I vote for...representatives that will push for less government, so that I have less influence in your life, and you have less influence in my life. When someone votes for todays Democrat, whether you truly believe you are not voting to interfere in my life, by your vote, that is what you are doing. Come 2014 and 2016, I am peacefully asking you to stop interfering in my life. I pledge I will not, as I have never, interfere in your life. If you vote for a politician that pushes for legislation that mandates interference, by extension, YOU are also interfering in my life. Respectfully....stop.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 04:58:56 +0000

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