Prediction for 08 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 08 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) Be really careful what you say and to whom. Ill-chosen words can give your listener the entirely wrong impression. People may be listening more closely than you realize, and taking your words to heart. Because youngsters are likely to be full of nervous energy, urge them to play out of doors for at least part of the day. At the same time, keep an eye on them; otherwise there is no telling what they might get up to. Romantic matters may not be going your way at the moment. There may seem to be no pleasing that special person in your life. Try to find out what is wrong by asking a mutual friend. A decision about your career direction cannot be put off much longer. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) As long as you are prepared to rise above the petty details of everyday routine, this can be an enjoyable day. If you let yourself get bogged down in humdrum tasks, you will just have a feeling of wasted time. Intervention in a close relationship is not always welcome, but if you see friends cutting each other down emotionally you can hardly stand back and do nothing. In fact, an objective view from someone like you might be just what they need to restore their relationship. Be prepared for shopping to take you farther afield than usual. You should be able to find some unusual stores selling goods you cannot get elsewhere. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) If you are hoping for a pleasantly romantic day, you are in for a shock. A loved one has been waiting for this chance to pour out hurt and resentment that have been boiling up for quite a while. You may not even be sure what exactly you did wrong. It can be more difficult than usual to reach an agreement on the subject of home redecorating. Some measure of compromise will be necessary, but the question is just how much you are prepared to back down for the sake of peace. A social event is likely to be full of thrills and chills. Arguments may erupt among other guests; do your best to stay out of the fight. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Give home security some extra attention. It might be a good idea to buy some new locks, especially if you live in an urban area. You can get the most out of the day by concentrating on daily chores. If these tasks are left undone, they will prey on your mind. Do the necessary shopping and what is necessary around the house before going out on the town. Social events can cost more than you bargained for. It is not always a simple matter keeping all loved ones happy. Doing so today might entail some sacrifice on your part. Time spent in the open air should be particularly enjoyable and refreshing, but guard against sunburn. Leo (July 21 to August 21) Shared memories of past experiences can bring family members closer together. Get out photo albums and indulge in some pleasant nostalgia. There is no telling what might be hidden in attics or obscure closets. Rummaging through them could reveal articles of value, even saleable antiques. It can be very surprising what collects in a house over the course of years. Find time for a leisure activity that allows you to forget the pressures of everyday life. It is not important to take a creative project too seriously; just give yourself a space where you can be at peace for a while. Keep romance on an even keel and do not make demands on your mate or steady date. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) This is an excellent day for going through closets and drawers and throwing out items that have accumulated over the years. Although some are bound to bring back memories, you should be enjoying the present in the belief that you are now making happy memories for future times. Romance is going through a quiet phase, but there is plenty happening behind the scenes. Once the first flush is over, it is time to begin the process of consolidating a truly sound relationship. Be careful not to overstretch yourself, especially in making social engagements. You cannot be everywhere at once, even if you wish you could accept every invitation. Libra (September 23 to October 22) All the tact and diplomacy in the world is not enough when loved ones are really ready for a good argument. If you take a passive stance they will only become angrier. There is nothing to do but slug it out and at least clear the air. Try to spend some time putting personal plans into action. If you let the day fritter away on household chores, you will only end up feeling frustrated. Try not to let friends persuade you into activities that do not appeal. They may be convinced that you will have a good time, but you know better. There is little point putting up a false front and then berating yourself for not saying no. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) Today it is more important than usual to spend some time alone. There are a lot of personal issues you need to mull over in private, and for once it will only complicate things to discuss them with your loved ones. Even though a friend may ask for your help, it could be wiser to offer emotional support rather than financial assistance. In the long run they will have to solve the problem themselves; loaning or giving money is only going to be a temporary measure at best. You will feel all the healthier if you cut down on caffeine and nicotine. Since your system tends to be rather delicate, you are more susceptible to these substances and their effects than more hardy people. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) Shopping can be more successful than usual, especially if you take a fairly laid-back approach. Be prepared to spend some time leisurely looking; there is no telling what special items you could find at a sale. Money should not be much of a problem at the moment. You do not have to keep as tight a hand as usual on the purse strings. This more relaxed attitude is fine for a while, just as long as you do not lose control altogether. A family gathering can give a deeper sense of togetherness to the different generations. Youngsters will benefit from the company of older relatives. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) Once in a while you are able to make a real deal with an impulse purchase. Electrical goods offer surprising savings. A fresh approach to health care for yourself and your family may be needed. Any habit tends to offer diminishing returns after a while, so try to alter your routines of diet and exercise. Stick to healthy principles; avoid fads. Friends can be rather challenging about your personal beliefs. Although you may not be able to persuade them to adopt your views, it can be a worthwhile exercise to have to defend yourself. A more cautious attitude toward savings should produce effective results. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Loved ones fully appreciate how important a personal project is to you. They are probably willing to commit time to assist you in reaching your goal, and their participation will make the final achievement all the sweeter. Older people are not usually all that willing to accept advice from their children, but now your parents may be all too happy to listen to your suggestions for improving their well-being. Your interest in health and hygiene certainly has something to teach them. Oddly enough, you may be in love without even realizing it. Your feelings for a close friend may have developed quite quietly but powerfully. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) Even if you thought a romantic affair was settling down nicely, you are in for a surprise. The other person may suddenly appear to be showing signs of restlessness. Unless you can keep their interest, there is every possibility of them finding someone else. There have been so many demands on your time and attention recently that you may have almost lost sight of your own needs. Now is the time to withdraw and recover a sense of self. You and your mate or partner might benefit from leaving youngsters with friends for a while so that you have some peace in order to discuss domestic problems and then simply to enjoy the quiet.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:45:00 +0000

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