Prediction for 09 Oct ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 12:00 to 13:30 (Avoid - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 09 Oct ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 12:00 to 13:30 (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) You and your mate or partner may have reached a point where you cannot go back in the relationship, and yet you cannot see a smooth way ahead. Neither of you should act hastily. It may help to have some time apart from each other in order to get your bearings. As one door closes, another one opens; this is certainly true where matters of self-development are concerned. Even if you feel you have come to the end of one period of your life, there is no reason not to initiate a new phase right away. A legal decision is likely to be reached quite soon. While waiting for it you are bound to be somewhat tense, but it will not help to get agitated about the eventual outcome. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) Do only what is necessary today. Money could be in short supply after the expensive holiday period. It could become obvious that you or another family member, perhaps a child, needs new clothing or shoes. You do not have to purchase everything all at once, however. It is a good idea to put together a long-term budget, which will help you spread the costs. It is also possible that you can pick up a few useful items in the sales which have already started. You may have to cover any significant expenses with your credit card, but try to pay it off in full as soon as possible. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Unattached person anxious to meet a new partner may be in luck. Early holiday gatherings at work or in your neighborhood may be your key to meeting that special person. You could find yourself in the middle of an awkward situation involving family members. If you are taking a new friend 4o meet your family, do not necessarily expect everyone to take an instant liking to each other. Although you naturally hope for this, someone is likely to say just the wrong thing at the wrong time. Your best bet is to be supportive and do whatever you can to smooth things over. Maintain a sense of humour no matter what develops. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Knowing more about your family background can give you a better sense of identity. It should be possible to find out about your predecessors from older relatives, who will probably be only too delighted to reminisce. If the opportunity arises to make some extra money, jump at it. Although your leisure time is precious, a temporary increase in your income will compensate for lost hours of relaxation. For once you should try to delegate some routine work to colleagues. You are not at your most organized, and will probably find it a challenge to remember appointments. Write down times and places for a meeting rather than trusting your memory. Leo (July 21 to August 21) If you are looking for a new home, check the local newspaper. You may find a lot more options than you expect. Real estate agents who know you are looking are likely to deluge you with property details. Be ruthless in deciding which properties you will view; it is unlikely that everything you see will be suitable. It is important to be more sensitive in dealing with neighbors and relatives. Because there may be some confusion over a matter which you want to discuss, be sure to make yourself crystal clear in your initial explanation. Avoid confusing a situation by going into too many details. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) If you have been feeling rather upset, today you should be able to find a way to perk yourself up. This is a good time for brightening your personal image. Treat yourself to a new outfit or a different hair style. If you are going for an interview or out to a business lunch, feeling good about your appearance can do much to boost your overall confidence. It should be easier to unleash your creativity on new work projects. The newness of what is taking place now is sure to stimulate you. Do not be afraid to push forward with your own ideas in the workplace. An influential figure is watching with interest and waiting to see what you can accomplish. Libra (September 23 to October 22) If all is not rosy at home this morning, do not worry too much. Any small step which you take to try to smooth over the situation should achieve desired results. If someone close to you seems moody, the subtle approach is likely to be the best way to jolly them out of it. If you work for yourself, you may be thinking about acquiring property or merging with another business. You can afford to be innovative and consider unusual propositions. The time is ripe for expanding into new territory. If you work from home, consider snaring office space or hiring a professional telephone answering service. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) If relations with a loved one have been tense lately, do not put off a heart-to-heart talk any longer. Matters which have brewing below the surface are likely to come to a head of their own accord. You do not often lose your temper, but when you do you are usually precise and forceful. This makes it crystal clear that you are not joking. If you feel that your recent emotional outburst was unjustified, it is up to you to apologize and try to make amends. However, if you feel you had every right to be angry, stand your ground. Only in that way will your feelings be respected. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) This is an excellent day to do some serious reading. Take this opportunity to open a book you have been meaning to study for some time; it should be extremely rewarding. You and a loved one might want to brighten the dark winter hours by beginning to plan your next vacation. Make a resolution to start saving for it now so that you can treat yourselves to a dream trip somewhere you have always wanted to visit. Youngsters can show a surprising understanding of a subject you expect would be beyond them; all of your encouragement given now will bear fruit. There is no reason you cannot teach them things they do not learn in school. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) If you have been thinking about trying to change track where career matters are concerned, this is a good day for taking the first step. Authority figures are likely to give you the support you need. If you are concerned about conditions at work which affect both you and fellow employees, this is a favourable time to speak up about them. You may be surprised at how effective you can be when you focus on resolving a problem rather than just complaining about it. News which comes your way concerning a property matter or proposed move is likely to be encouraging. People could be more agreeable than you expect. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) The pressures that kept you hopping yesterday are likely to lift today. The boss or another higher-up finally understands that you only have one pair of hands. Requests you made some time ago for updated equipment or extra assistance may now be granted. Even though Christmas is just around the corner and people are geared to festive activity, this is still a propitious day for a job interview or promotion discussion. As a result of the festive atmosphere, prospective employers may actually be more affable and easy to talk to. It is not smart to try to mix friendship and romance this evening. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) Money matters need careful handling if you are to avoid depleting your reserve funds. You are likely to put yourself in a stronger position by saying little rather than trying to explain the smaller details of a complex situation. In a close personal relationship, it is vital to respect the confidential nature of what you are told. A contract or agreement which you are about to sign may have hidden clauses which require further explanation. Question anything you do not fully understand. An associate with subtle and creative ideas is someone you can trust to turn a situation around in your favour.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 06:04:51 +0000

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