Prediction for 10 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 10 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) Fresh business initiatives are likely to be well received by your associates. However, you will probably have to sell your ideas hard to make the impact you want. Those working in education as teachers or students can get the most out of classes by promoting a cooperative atmosphere. Once this is established, there is the chance of getting some very solid work done. Long-term objectives may have to take a backseat to daily demands on your time and energy. Naturally you are eager to realize your dreams, but even the most mundane tasks are steps on the way toward achieving your goals. Try to avoid crossing swords with your boss or other superiors. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) The inspiration that beauty brings may fill you with a desire to buy something really special. Go ahead; there are times when everyone needs reassurance that there is more to life than everyday routine. If you are planning a longer journey than usual, consider taking a friend along for company. With a companion the time will pass quicker and the whole trip be more enjoyable. A legacy may involve more participation from you than expected. However, this is likely to bring you back into contact with distant relatives, which is no bad thing. It would be a shame to drop out of touch once again after you renew your relationship. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) All meetings scheduled for today are likely to have a very positive outcome. As long as everyone can agree on general principles, there is no reason plans cannot go ahead immediately; details will be worked out along the way. Friends could introduce you to a whole new outlook on life through courses they have recently taken. While you might be a little skeptical of their enthusiasm, they probably have valuable insights to offer. A personal wish is now within your grasp as long as you have confidence that you can achieve it. This is just why you have been developing your talents; do not hold back. Socializing may make a dent in your budget but be worth it. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) By making a clean sweep of the daily tasks you can free yourself to face the unexpected. You are unlikely to have a spare minute to yourself, so brace for a busy day. You should be able to cope very well. A reshuffle of staff could mean that you have to take on extra responsibilities for a while. However, there is likely to be a financial gain so that it is all worthwhile. This is a good time to arrange a medical checkup primarily for the sake of getting advice rather than anything else. Your seldom go to excess, but you are prone to stress which can be just as upsetting to your health. Work off extra energy with an evening walk or jog. Leo (July 21 to August 21) A gamble seems to be paying off as a new business connection comes through for you. Make sure you take credit for having the initiative to push forward into new areas. All creative work is favoured. If you test yourself to the limit, you may be surprised at what can be achieved. It is crucial to have enough self-confidence to persuade others to go along with your ideas. Do not turn down an opportunity to learn a new skill. Curiosity keeps you young. You are not in a position to be complacent about your current level of practical knowledge. Relax with a few friends tonight but get to bed on time. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) The work begins in quite an up-beat atmosphere. After the refreshing time you are bound to be full of new ideas. An opportunity to invest may seem a little out of your reach, but if you can commit a small amount of money there might be a very good return. The more creative aspects of a current project need not worry you. Colleagues and friends are ready and willing to help and are bound to be pleased that you are taking such a close interest in the work. Youngsters should not rebel against your discipline, so take this chance to instill in them some additional ideas about responsibility. It is surprising how much even young children can understand concepts that are put to them simply. Libra (September 23 to October 22) This comparatively laid-back day eases you into the working days. The accent is on mental activity. Schedule your time to make plans rather than put them into action. Long distance travel for business purposes is likely to have a strong element of pleasure as well. You might make contacts that you wish to pursue on a social level, and it may be possible to begin building a network of distant friends. Exams and tests of your knowledge should not pose much of a problem providing you have prepared adequately. The only thing you need to watch is a tendency to write too much on some questions and then have to skimp on others. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) An apology could come out of the blue for an action you dismissed from your thoughts some days or weeks ago. However, it obviously has been preying on the other persons mind, and now it would be kind of you to assure them you are ready to forgive and forget. Those who are hoping to improve overall prospects need to take a subtle approach. There are many small ways of making yourself indispensable, and your naturally helpful nature should enable you to do so without difficulty. Property negotiations should go ahead without a hitch. Any doubts should be stifled because it is natural to be a little nervous when big changes are afoot. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) You may receive news before anyone else about developments at work. However, it is probably best to keep it to yourself until the time is right. An unusual opportunity to add to your income should not be dismissed just because it has never been tried before. This might actually give you an opportunity to add another notch to your belt. Property negotiations are likely to be profitable as long as you are able to agree on basic terms that suit you. You have to be more forceful than usual in order to get what you feel is fair. Romance can come your way if you are prepared for a relationship that involves you in powerful emotions. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) Buckling down to work with renewed enthusiasm should prove profitable. A new initiative offers you the chance to make some extra cash, which would certainly come in handy. If you are thinking of changing jobs you might suddenly see possibilities where you currently are. There is no need to act rashly; take your time before making a decision. Meanwhile, do your best in your current job. As the afternoon goes on you may become a little forgetful. Make a note of chores and appointments; otherwise you are likely to wake up with a jolt in the middle of the night realizing you neglected something important. Be sure to return library books or video rentals. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) You setting off for work this morning may feel rather reluctant to get into the swing of things. This is the kind of day when you far prefer to deal with the more gentle aspects of your job. Negotiate rather than be forceful. There should be no need to resort to the courts to settle a dispute. As long as you can be reasonably objective, it should be possible to resolve your differences by discussing them alone or with the help of a mediator. Close relationships can enter a phase of understanding and harmony as long as you relax your demands on the other person. Stop and consider how much they mean to you, then act accordingly. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) The friendly relations you have cultivated with certain colleagues should be paying off. Now you are able to rely on their support when you propose new work projects. All forms of cooperation are favoured. You can get a lot more done working as part of a team rather than independently. If you meet someone who appears suitable as a romantic partner, it would be foolish to let them get away. Business meetings are likely to be more productive than usual. Although negotiations might be complicated, the final results should be satisfactory. You can persuade someone of the value of your ideals if you really want to win a convert to your cause.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:46:52 +0000

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