Prediction for 15 Aug ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 13:30 AM to 15:00 AM - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 15 Aug ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 13:30 AM to 15:00 AM (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) Information passed on to you about opportunities at a distance is unlikely to be accurate. Rather than get too excited, check it for yourself. Protect your health; going to an extreme with any kind of diet or exercise regime can be as harmful as overindulgence. Try to avoid both ends of the spectrum; work on finding out what is right for you personally. Financially it is important to keep a low profile. Tempting investment ideas may be dangled in front of you, but right now you do not have funds to risk. Gelling time to yourself can be difficult; be firm and tell other people they will have to wait until you have met a current deadline. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) A small pay raise could make it possible to at last buy a luxury item. Be firm with yourself, banking this extra money before you are tempted to spend it on everyday living. The attention of someone who is a little older than you might be flattering, but consider whether your emotional reaction goes any deeper. It would not be wise to get involved too lightly if the other person appears to be quite serious about establishing a relationship. This is an excellent time to buy a new outfit; your judgment of what suits you is accurate. Do not purchase anything too radical; a classical style will be most appropriate and the best value. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) For those who have been through emotional turmoil recently, the dust seems to be settling at last. This can take a lot longer to get over than is generally realized, but you probably already feel an inkling of the peace that will one day be yours once again. Compromise with colleagues is the name of the game. For once you just do not have the energy to get worked up over a matter of pure principle. This may bring home to you what a nuisance you have been on a previous occasion. Where romance is concerned, it would be wise to keep quiet if you want to continue on your present course. Discussion of practical matters such as joint finances can come later. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Although the day gets off to a rather frustrating start, things should look up during the morning. However, be prepared to put in some difficult work that would have to be done all over again if not up to the required standard. Spreading yourself too thin is likely to backfire. There is only so much you can expect to do before your health suffers, so do not make a martyr of yourself; doing so will not be appreciated anyway. Relations between you and your mate or partner should be smoother than usual. Concentrating on what draws you together rather than on your disagreements can be a useful exercise. Do not let the telephone interrupt your private time together. Leo (July 21 to August 21) Even if you hear a rumor in which you are implicated, it would be unwise to react without advance thinking. In fact, the best course might be to let the truth speak for itself. Hearing from a former acquaintance with whom you cut ties is likely to arouse your anger. They may not have got the message that you do not want them in your life, so this time spell it out clearly. Wind down a creative project so that there is space to begin something new. All that you have learned can be applied to other areas of your life and is bound to be immensely useful. Differences within the family can be cleared up if everyone has the will to give in a little. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) A call from a friend could put you back in touch with someone you had given up as out of your life forever. This is likely to bring a whole new dimension to your life, as old memories are revived and a former relationship is renewed. It is essential to stand on a point of principle at work. Speak up now and others will respect the air of authority you radiate. If you choose to remain silent instead, you are bound to berate yourself for some time. Business meetings can become a forum for exchanging useful information about all kinds of leisure pursuits. Just like you, no one really wants to spend all of their time working; play is important for mental and physical vitality. Libra (September 23 to October 22) Although it may not be obvious to others, you have come a long way during the past few months. The biggest difference is in your understanding of what life is all about. This gives you an air of quiet confidence. The reappearance of a former lover might not be all that welcome in your present circumstances. They may still have the ability to stir your heartstrings; it may be a struggle to resist the seductive attraction of shared memories. Home redecoration can go ahead now that final doubts have been overcome. A more modern look will give your rooms a dynamic atmosphere that enhances all of your activities. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) The best way to get decisions made is through free and frank discussion. An exchange of views gives everyone a chance to have their say; the resulting cross-fertilization of ideas is bound to be beneficial. The hopes and wishes for the future that your mate or partner cherishes should become a part of your life almost as much as theirs. If you truly care for someone, you will be as eager for their achievements to be realized as for your own. There is no point arguing about who is to blame when problems occur at home. The first priority should be to sort out the situation, not to make a loved one feel guilty. Avoid a power battle with parents or in-laws. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) Although there is a danger of taking on too much, it should do you a world of good to expand your mind by delving deeper into a subject. Even philosophy can be understandable if well taught, as well as highly illuminating. The outlook is fair for travel. Do not overload yourself with luggage if you are going a long distance. It is impossible to prepare for every eventuality, so you just have to accept an element of chance. An unusual job opportunity could come your way unexpectedly. Unless it is vital that you respond immediately, it would be wise to take some time to think it over and then to discuss it with loved ones. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) You may not yet be over a past love affair. Memories can come back to haunt you to the point of dreaming about your former lover. Be careful that you do not indulge too much in fantasies or they could become more vivid than reality. You may have trouble with routine work as nothing comes together. In the end it may be simpler to give up rather than struggle on without achieving anything positive. Make sure you lock the house securely during your absence; carelessness could cost you an unwanted visit. Consider those who are less well-off than you; not everyone has the advantages you take for granted. Do what you can to lend a hand. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Try a fresh approach to health care, with more attention to the subtle signals of your body. It can be very instructive to sit quietly for a few minutes each day and tune in to how your body is reacting. There comes a point when you can no longer compromise for the sake of a quiet life. Even at the risk of being unpopular, it is vital sometimes to stand up for yourself and what you believe to be right. If others seem to be projecting a more professional image than you, it could be time to smarten yourself up a bit. First impressions can be crucial, so it is worth spending some time and money to create a positive persona. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) This is the sort of day when work becomes plain sailing. It should be much easier than usual to get your points across, which makes other people more willing to help you. Conferring with experts can make your life immeasurably easier. Their knowledge is available to be used, so do not pretend you know it all. You can now take a real step toward achieving a personal aim. Any setbacks should be treated as challenges, since it is certain you can overcome them as long as you have a positive attitude. While your finances may be in a slightly dubious state, you should soon receive money owed to you that can be used to finance an important project.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 04:15:18 +0000

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