Prediction for 17 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 17 Mar ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) An apology could come out of the blue for an action you dismissed from your thoughts some days or weeks ago. However, it obviously has been preying on the other persons mind, and now it would be kind of you to assure them you are ready to forgive and forget. Those who are hoping to improve overall prospects need to take a subtle approach. There are many small ways of making yourself indispensable, and your naturally helpful nature should enable you to do so without difficulty. Property negotiations should go ahead without a hitch. Any doubts should be stifled because it is natural to be a little nervous when big changes are afoot. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) Malfunctioning electrical equipment can play havoc with your daily routine. It may be impossible to access computerized records, so some business will just have to be put aside for the moment. There is no point flying off the handle just because colleagues do not work to your high standards. The best you can do is set an example, then hope they follow your lead. When you are engaged in practical tasks, try not to fall prey to impatience. In the long run you will only slow matters down, since you are bound to make mistakes or produce sloppy work that needs to be redone. A romantic involvement based on physical attraction is not likely to endure very long. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) You may get the distinct feeling that someone is keeping you in the dark about developments at work. Their motive may be to get an advantage over you, so do your best to find out exactly what is going on. It can be more difficult than usual to pursue private studies. Your powers of concentration are apt to be weak. It might be a good idea to get some physical exercise before settling down to work. Travel is subject to disruptions. If you are setting off on a long-distance trip, make contingency plans in case of a delay or detour. A smile can work where a long face does not, and it will keep your opposition guessing. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Because you are apt to feel a bit fragile this morning, if you can work by yourself so much the better. Take the opportunity of a fairly quiet start to the day to clear up financial paperwork; be sure bills are paid before they are due. Sometimes you have to put your trust in a person who has your security in their hands. Fortunately your instincts are usually infallible. In this case you are right to have faith in a new acquaintance. It may be frustrating not to have more freedom of choice in your work. You might have reached a stage where once you prove that you can act responsibly as a truly independent agent, new opportunities will start coming your way. Leo (July 21 to August 21) Either push yourself forward for promotion or you are apt to be overlooked; the choice is yours. It would be a pity to waste your talents when there is an opening just right for you to put them to full use. If you are looking for romance may want to try a dating agency or personal ads in a magazine or newspaper. In this way you will get to meet a selection of possible partners, and they will be people who are not shy of commitment. Youngsters are likely to need a firm hand. Do not let them wear you down. Older relatives, especially parents, may be rather possessive at the moment, so you need to keep a cool head. Try to be objective with them, but point out that you are now an independent individual. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) There should be plenty going on today, including in your romantic life. If you have stirred up quite passionate feelings in someone new on the scene, you now have the choice of either fanning or quenching the flames. Do not let loved ones put a brake on your ambitions just because they have not fulfilled their own. They should be glad to see you aiming high; after all, they will be able to bask in reflected glory when you achieve your goal. A more conciliatory approach to a family problem may work in a situation where confrontation has failed. Follow the principle of live and let live and you will not go far wrong. You should be able to sleep soundly all through the night. Libra (September 23 to October 22) A real battle of wills may be developing between you and a superior at work. Unfortunately any tendency to mutiny on your part can only do you damage; in fact, this is likely to be something of a no-win situation. Necessary renovations and repairs to your home may cost more than you expect. Tighten! your belt and cut back on luxuries for a while. Neighbors can be more helpful than usual; do not hesitate to ask if you need someone to look after plants or pets while you are away. Expect delays to local journeys; heavy vehicles could hold up traffic for some time. Relax tonight with a quiet meal at home rather than going out. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) A somewhat uneasy atmosphere prevails this morning as no one seems to trust anyone else. Rumors are apt to be flying with no clear idea of who is responsible for them. If you are feeling constricted at work, there are lessons to be learned from the experience. It may be time to spread your wings and try something a little more ambitious. Relations with your mate or partner may be going through an awkward period because neither of you is really willing to sit down and discuss what is wrong. This attitude does not help; sooner or later you are going to have to argue it out. Where romance is concerned, keep a stiff upper lip until the relationship begins to improve. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) It is always painful to find out that your trust has been misplaced. An acquaintance may have used you rather cynically to get what they want. Part of your feeling is probably hurt pride that your judgment could be so much at fault. Todays rather chaotic conditions make it hard to get organized. Your attention is apt to be pulled first in one direction and then another, so that tasks have to be left half-finished or passed on to someone else for final touches. Even though you might be reluctant to express your anger about a loved ones behavior, burying your hurt is not a good alternative. Confront the issue once your feelings have cooled down. Avoid making any threats. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) It may be difficult to even get through breakfast without angry words being spoken. Neither you nor your mate or partner are going to react very well to the beginning of the day. However, it is unfair to take out stress on each other, so try to contain yourself even under provocation. As a big project at work comes to a close, superiors could be looking for someone to blame in case the outcome is less than successful. Make sure you stay out of their sights or you might find yourself being held responsible for more than your fair share of involvement. Your gift of gab can get you out of a tight corner if you forget a promise or do not show up for an appointment. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) You may have angered or annoyed someone without realizing it. Now they are making it very plain that there is a problem that needs to be sorted out. Romance is a thorny issue at the moment. A relationship can act as a catalyst to bring to the surface all kinds of emotions, and these need respectful handling. Inevitably you will sometimes be torn between spending on yourself and on your home. If recent redecorating made a hole in your pocket, you may have to cut back on personal items for a while. However, with a little careful planning, this phase will pass and you should soon be able to indulge yourself again. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) The day may not begin in a very hopeful manner as the response to a recent application turns out to be disappointing. This can teach you not to pin your hopes on any one course of action; keep in mind that there are always alternative possibilities. A renewed interest in a serious subject that touches on the meaning of life should not be allowed to lapse. Visit your library or favorite web sites and search for meatier reading. An older relatives illness may make you want to do something to help. Certainly they will appreciate a visit and some flowers, or you might offer to do some housecleaning or yardwork.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:59:47 +0000

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