Prediction for 20 Aug ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 15:00 to 16:30 (Avoid - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 20 Aug ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 15:00 to 16:30 (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) It is often true that you get what you need rather than what you want, although that is seldom much comfort at the time. Right now you have lessons to learn about the limits of your own talents, which are all the more valuable for being challenging. You can probably do your best work if you find a quiet place to concentrate in solitude. Backlogs can be cleared up in little time, so do not put off doing what are usually rather tedious chores; today you can rip right through them. If news of a friend who dropped out of sight some time ago wakens memories of happy times, give them a call to catch up on all the news. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) Take the opportunity offered by a quiet start to this day to check out educational opportunities. Some diversifying could broaden your options for career development; see what is being offered. Dreams of long-distance travel may be fulfilled later in life, but at the moment a good book about exotic places might be enough to satisfy your wanderlust. A more businesslike image could be effective in promoting your own work. There is nothing like the appearance of success to impress potential customers. Resolve to leave the past behind you and cultivate a new, more optimistic and dynamic approach to all aspects of your life. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Help with your finances could come from an unexpected quarter. This might be the beginning of a new era of cooperation with colleagues who know their way around the world of money. Developing new talents can improve your self-image a great deal. All you need is a bit of extra confidence and the world can become your oyster. Your home could be causing you problems at the moment. If structural repairs need to be done, there is nothing to be gained by putting them off even if the work turns out to be rather expensive. The result of a recent telephone call could be upsetting family members. Try to reassure them without revealing a secret. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Hopes of a job promotion may seem to be fading at the moment. Take heart, however. Sooner or later just the right position will become vacant. Your health should be a priority. If you continue to carry on the way you have been doing, there will be a price to pay. You cannot expect to push yourself beyond your physical limits forever: a change of lifestyle seems necessary right now. Memories of the past could undermine your present happiness. It is easy to forget the more difficult times. Consider whether life was really better then than it is now. You might have to accept criticism from a superior if recent work was below your usual high standards. Leo (July 21 to August 21) Investment in property can be a great means of securing your future. However, it is vital to use your good judgment and also seek advice from those who are familiar with the market. You need to keep a tight rein on your temper all day long as loved ones seem determined to drive you to the limits of your tolerance. An argument now could have serious consequences that you would regret too late. The discovery of old family photographs may make you feel more connected with the previous generation. Although these relatives led lives very different from your own, their basic concerns were the same. Your garden or potted plants need some extra attention as the season changes. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) Do not take chances with your health. Aim for moderation in all things; excess in any direction soon catches up with you. A rather shady financial proposition might seem attractive at first glance, but it would be very unwise to get involved in a scheme that could backfire badly. And even if you did gain by it, there would be little pleasure as your conscience would not let you gloat. Make a resolution to leave self-doubt behind and forge ahead with your personal development. You will not get anywhere by focusing on your faults; celebrate your talents and strengths for a change. Put your personal stamp on a group project. Libra (September 23 to October 22) Look around your home with a critical eye and you may be surprised at how much needs changing. It is important to have an environment that reflects your moods and induces calm and serenity. Differences of opinion with loved ones can escalate out of control unless you are firm with yourself. Much may be said in the heat of passion that you profoundly regret, but words once spoken cannot be called back. The end of a relationship is likely to leave you feeling lonely, at least for a while. It may seem now as if you will never fall in love again, but time heals all wounds. Do not take on too much responsibility at work; no one will thank you for it. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) Just as it seems you are getting ahead in your job, a setback may occur. However, it would be more positive to regard this as an obstacle to be overcome. On no account should you give up trying to get ahead. Financial restraints could prevent you from putting a business plan into operation. There is little you can do about this right now. It would not be wise to borrow money in the hope of being able to repay it quickly. Domestic arguments about trivial matters can be surprisingly draining emotionally. Just wait until you recover your sense of perspective, then discuss the matter. You may have to admit that your usual way of doing something is not the only option. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) It may not be possible to persuade your boss or another superior of the value of your idea for increasing creative output. If you really believe you have hit upon something important, you may simply have to go ahead and prove it by your own independent actions. This is one of those times when youngsters are apt to question your authority at every turn. Probably nothing you say will satisfy them until their mood changes for the better. There could be delays before money you are owed reaches you. In fact, it might be smart to jog the memory of the person concerned, who may be withholding funds deliberately. Do not drive yourself too hard; relax a little during the day as well as this evening. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) You should have no shortage of ideas for money-making schemes. Some of them may be a little wild, but that is no reason for not giving them a whirl. Do not pit yourself against a colleague who has considerably more influence than you. Doing so will be wasted energy. A far better approach is to try to persuade them to your view. If you are looking for new job may find an opening that would make better use of newly acquired talents. In this situation there is no such thing as overselling yourself; just go for it. An act of self-sacrifice on your part is likely to be repaid tenfold, not now but later when you may in need. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Approach your work with a cheerful attitude and other people will be only too glad to give you their full support. This rule of life applies to all of your relationships. Remember that happiness is infectious. There is a risk that you may be tempted to dictate if you are given more responsibility than usual. Loved ones can be very useful in such situations, since they will soon tell you if you are getting pompous or overbearing. Getting your home fixed up exactly as you want it can cost a great deal of money. You must decide whether this is a priority or if there are other more urgent uses for your limited funds, such as a vacation or school tuition. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) A friend who is in the know can give you a helping hand with your finances. Their suggestions may be unlike anything you would have thought of for yourself, but that is no reason not to at least seriously consider their advice. Taking up a gentle form of exercise could be just what you need to tone up physically. You should be able to take pleasure in the exercise itself, rather than just doing it for the sake of keeping fit. Family obligations might stand in the way of personal fulfillment. However, honoring your promises and duties can be a good means of developing your character, so do what is expected in as generous a spirit as possible.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 02:29:45 +0000

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