Prediction for 28 Jan ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 15:00 to 16:30 (Avoid - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 28 Jan ‘14 Rahu Kalam: 15:00 to 16:30 (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) Help with your finances could come from an unexpected quarter. This might be the beginning of a new era of cooperation with colleagues who know their way around the world of money. Developing new talents can improve your self-image a great deal. All you need is a bit of extra confidence and the world can become your oyster. Your home could be causing you problems at the moment. If structural repairs need to be done, there is nothing to be gained by putting them off even if the work turns out to be rather expensive. The result of a recent telephone call could be upsetting family members. Try to reassure them without revealing a secret. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) If you concentrate firmly on what you want to achieve, you should be able to make a dream come true. This is not one of your easier days, however. A work superior or other authority figure may not give you the approval or recommendation you seek. Do not give up at the first obstacle, however. Some people can be talked around to see things your way if you are prepared to humble yourself a little. Sometimes a formal request for help can get lost amid the bureaucracy. Be prepared to try a more personal approach, which should produce much more positive results. Use humour to ward off an argument. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) This is another helpful day for completing neglected tasks so that you are ready for new starts. You may surprise yourself at the amount of work you are able to get through. Any matter which requires close cooperation with other people needs to be handled with care. Others are apt to be sensitive about your attitude. You have a tendency to sometimes be critical. Because of this, try hard not to allow this to show through in any conversation you have or any letters that you write. Discussions relating to property matters can be difficult. You may have to work hard to understand a bankers jargon and understand exactly what is at stake. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) If you are at home for a part of the day, this can be a good time for decorating and for repairs which you have been putting off. If you are trying to get negotiations concluded, make specific appointments with the people involved. There could be a flurry of activity at work. You can finish up a tedious project if your put your mind to it. This evening you may want to opt out of a social meeting in favour of relaxing at home. It should also be a good time for impromptu entertaining, perhaps inviting some friends for coffee and dessert. Keep looking ahead; let go of the past. Leo (July 21 to August 21) A new mood of openness between you and a loved one should make it possible to establish more comfortable boundaries in your relationship. A shared sense of responsibility may even inspire you with romantic fervor. Certainly it will put your partnership on a sounder footing. Those who are living in rented property may have some difficulty concerning matters of maintenance. It might be wise to get legal advice so that you are absolutely clear about your rights; then you will be in a stronger position to get things done. News from a friend living at a distance might fill you with a desire to visit. This could be an ideal getaway for you and your mate or partner in the near future. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) This is not the best time for trying to mix the company of friends, neighbors, and family members. However, if you have such a social arrangement already planned, go ahead. If individuals do not get along, there is no need for you to take the blame personally. If you are contemplating an impromptu get-together, aim to keep it small and intimate. If you recently became involved with a new romantic partner, do not be in too much of a hurry to escalate the relationship. You need to get to know each other better before making definite mutual plans for the future. Libra (September 23 to October 22) In your business dealings a more lighthearted attitude can work wonders. While you want to present a professional front, others can feel you are making too much of a casual situation by approaching it in deadly earnest. You can win other peoples confidence by opening up a little. Although you may not like to admit to making mistakes or taking shortcuts, doing so can improve overall cooperation. After all, everyone is human with special talents and some flaws. And everyone makes mistakes. Anyone who pretends that they do not can seem a little too daunting for comfort or become a target for blame. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) This can be a productive day in the workplace if you are willing to come to grips with a long-standing problem. With Christmas so near, you may not feel that you have the energy to devote to unraveling difficult problems. However, if you can muster a little enthusiasm, you should be able to put one huge problem behind you once and for all. Work superiors may apply extra pressure just when you need to take care of a personal matter. Try to keep cool and calm. If you deal with one issue at a time, you can do all that is expected of you and keep everyone happy. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) You tend to function best when you are given clear guidance and then left to get on with the job. Today you may receive more of a free rein than usual. Do not hesitate to try out new working methods. Although what is tried-and-tested may be safe, you will not find other, perhaps better ways if you never give them a fair trial. For self-employed, this is a time to take a few well-calculated risks. There may be a very lucrative opportunity which requires a leap of faith in your own future. Do not be afraid to take that vital step. A family gathering should be very enjoyable this evening, especially if children are included. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) A dynamic new business associate could breathe new life into your work routine. Although their ideas may seem a little aggressive at first, there are tips you can pick up from them for your own use. A long-term partnership is entering a phase when you alone can do a lot of valuable work improving your togetherness. It is all too easy to take one another for granted after a while. Make sure you do not fall into this trap, or life can become boring. Those who work from home may find this a good time to get ordinary tasks such as paperwork out of the way. Stock up on basic supplies so that your time is free for creative work. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) There is no need to make much effort today. This should be a time for winding down from the whole day. Ignore what you think you should be doing; for once you can put obligations and duties to one side and just concentrate on enjoying yourself. Youngsters will probably occupy themselves with a minimum of interference on your part. However, you might actually get pleasure from joining in their play and games. A romantic affair should be giving you a deep sense of satisfaction. Do not worry about how it is going to develop in the future. Just take it day by day, letting time take care of the rest. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) Spend some time contemplating how you can achieve your dream in the future. Through joint efforts you may be able to make the greatest progress. You may instinctively feel that someone who comes into your life now is the right person to team up with. Trust your inner voice. If some criticism is being leveled at you, you may want to prove yourself to family members or colleagues. Try not to let what other people think matter too much to you. Now is the time to maintain your self-esteem and look to the future with renewed confidence. You have a lot to look forward to and a lot to offer.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:30:01 +0000

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