Prediction for 29 Nov ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 10:30 AM to 12:00 AM - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 29 Nov ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 10:30 AM to 12:00 AM (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) Putting the final details of a plan into place might seem almost more than you can stand because you are so impatient to see the project as a whole. If you let the quality of your work drop, however, it could spoil the whole thing. It is time to give some serious thought to getting ahead in your career. Find out what options are open to you, and vow not to get stuck in a dead-end job. Youngsters are likely to come out with wisdom beyond their years. As well as being amusing, often their innocent remarks hit on truths you tend to avoid. The results of a recent diet or fitness drive should be satisfactory although you still have a way to go. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) This day has the potential to be quite wonderful, or at least to provide a rare special moment or more than one. You just must be receptive to enchanted-style happenings. Confirmation and support come to open-minded persons who believe in the power of the moment. This is not the time to manifest the foibles of pessimism and negativity. You can make purposeful and positive moves on many fronts, from personal to professional. Effective outcomes can be engineered if you have the right attitude in place. Legal and financial closures have a greater than usual chance of providing win-win outcomes. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Words already expressed might come back to haunt you. They may relate to an associate or to someone in the family. Any disappointment other people have been mulling over for a while may now be made known. Empty promises or taking back what you freely offered will be considered bad manners. On the other hand, any recent generous display of spirit and resources should now be rewarded. Youll be remembered if you acted like a tightwad in the past. Taking responsibility for yourself is sure to help you move on. Previous upsets can be smoothed if you are prepared to be honest. Confessing, letting go, and moving on brings relief to all. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) The practical concerns of paying off debts should be a priority. Look at that pile of bills and bank statements to determine the state of your financial health. By examining the figures and the bottom line, unnecessary anxiety can be alleviated. Youre probably in better economic shape than expected, with further hope for greater improvement as the year unfolds. Stick with the people who mean the most to you, ignoring noise and distractions surrounding you. A health consultation should provide you with the all-clear or at least offer a positive path to becoming fit again. Leo (July 21 to August 21) Doing it your way is probably the best way. Initiative and drive rule now. When you want a quality task done, take care of it yourself. Pay attention to your hunches and impulses, and follow through with them. Achieving satisfaction is possible by being independent, with no strings attached. A desire to speculate might influence gamblers and risk-takers. A fluke of luck is possible, where you win without even really trying. Hobbies and recreational pursuits are highlighted. This is an excellent time to attend your first dance class or a similar physical pastime. Love is well starred. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) Your capacity for crystal-clear thinking aids all of your endeavors today. Direct your mental effort toward money matters. Reassigning budget priorities is a positive step to improving your net worth. Its definitely trite but true: A penny saved is a penny earned. Curbing impulsive spending makes a huge impact on the bottom line, and that goes for business as well as private expenses. On the other hand, there are necessities, which you shouldnt overlook or underestimate. These include matters like health insurance, education costs, retirement savings, and the inevitable taxes and fees necessary just to exist. Be sure you have enough resources for such essentials. Libra (September 23 to October 22) Contrasting perspectives might come from your head and your heart. This can be confusing as you try to sort priorities and distinguish whats real from whats imagined. Your mind can easily play tricks, so dont put too much trust in your senses. Even if choices seem to be forced upon you by circumstances, try to postpone whatever is critical until you achieve greater clarity. Explore harmless pastimes during your spare hours. Demanding tasks could suffer from unintentional carelessness and negligence. Take relationships in a lighter vein rather than pushing for promises that cant or wont be kept. Discipline easily breaks down through laziness or intoxication. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) An unexpected telephone call, or possibly an unexpected visit, may get you out of bed earlier than usual. You may have to take a short journey right there and then, possibly relating to a large specialized institution. If you are working in delivery and courier services could find the tempo accelerating, with much running around. Even if youre not a paid driver or chauffeur you might feel like a gofer or a taxi. You may opt to accept the job of designated driver, at least giving you a degree of welcome control. Make sure to really think about an action or comment before proceeding or you might tend to confuse other people. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) The drive to party hard or hang out on the wrong side of town might take its toll in some way. Think twice before surrendering to a tempting invitation, which you have private reservations about. The cost to your health or bank account may not be worth the pleasure you hope to gain. Being too busy to indulge in social whims will upset friends and loved ones who counted on having the pleasure of your company. Yet sticking to your own purposes will ultimately be more fulfilling than pleasing other people, whoever they may be. Relaxing later in the evening is only natural, but even a local outing is likely to put a squeeze on your wallet. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) This day favors pleasant times and friendly encounters. Whether working or socializing, most interactions should be receptive and amiable. Positive tactics can generally be employed when dealing with most people. It is best to avoid becoming too serious and rigid in communicating. Keeping the atmosphere light and easy will go a long way to ensure the best in any type of relating. Meet and greet newcomers. Public relations and networking will receive a positive boost. Catching up with friends and associates youve not seen for a while would be appreciated all around. Reach out. A reunion is sure to be very welcome. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Lazy and indulgent streaks may become stronger, making it hard to accomplish anything routine or arduous. Good humor will provide moments of great merriment. Seeing the funny side of things is a skill well worth developing. Laughter can be like therapy, releasing a lot of tension. There are limits to being silly, since conservative and serious people will also be around. Dont let someones friendliness turn into an invitation to completely lose your boundaries. Immaturity and lack of manners will be frowned upon. Love and romance are best experienced at home. Tonight favors the exchange of something beautiful, be it material, emotional, or physical. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) You may be eager to zoom through the hours and complete your current workload. Tasks and duties can now be efficiently cleared away, and with accuracy at that. This period is excellent for all jobs requiring precision and thoroughness. If you are in a position to set your own working hours, call an early start to the weekend. A short trip, possibly for the next few days, will be memorable. Keeping exclusive company may also be part of the scenario. That special person in your life is sure to be receptive to whatever you propose. Money and payment matters are best done early, when distractions are less likely. Later you will be much too busy to deal with finances.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:17:21 +0000

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