Prediction for 29 Oct ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 15:00 to 16:30 (Avoid - TopicsExpress


Prediction for 29 Oct ‘13 Rahu Kalam: 15:00 to 16:30 (Avoid Travel and Auspicious work in between this Time) Aries (March 21 to April 20) If there have been underlying, difficult issues left undecided in your family, they could come to a head today. Do not hesitate to speak your mind. Sometimes you can be amazed at the depth of your own feelings. Others, too, may be taken aback if you suddenly blurt out exactly what you are thinking. However, it can sometimes be the one surefire way to clear the air and achieve something positive as a result. If your energy is ebbing due to an overload of work, a change of scene might help you pick up steam. Try going for a walk at lunchtime, for example; a breath of fresh air can also do a lot to restore your perspective. Taurus (April 21 to May 20) A wave of unstoppable confidence may overcome you as you seed the early stages of a big project or move. This might be a long-term mission, which has been brewing for quite a while. Or you may not even realize that youre about to embark on a gigantic personal journey that will usher in a whole new era of your life. If the opportunity arises to transform yourself at the deepest level, dont be afraid to take it. Youll need courage and momentum to conquer fear and inertia, but you can do it. Forget about making excuses or pretending you dont care. When you act decisively youll begin to feel more empowered and happier. Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Today might be a case of lucky with money but not with love. Focus fully on the career front, aiming to be recognized and well paid for your obvious talent and ability. Using exceptional commercial insight and street smarts, profits and bonus earnings are sure to come your way. Certain ventures, strategies, or moves could be limited by a lack of financing. The involvement of a conservative banker or a fearful bean counter may restrict obvious opportunities to improve your cash flow and bottom line. Take negative advice with a grain of salt when making an investment decision. With todays fast and furious pace, dont slow yourself down by dwelling on a sad personal affair that is now history. Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Sitting across a big desk, being given the third degree, is sure to be intimidating. An important meeting may take place today with the boss or other authority figures. If you have scheduled a vital interview, stage fright is understandably building. When applying for a desired position youre naturally out to please. Diplomacy and courtesy coupled with honesty and frankness are the keys to the best outcome. Dont roll over and become passive at any price. You must show some backbone, too. You and others will benefit from being firm but fair. Leo (July 21 to August 21) A void Moon dominates the earlier half of this day, silently moving through your sector of relationships. This affects all one-on-one interactions in general. Vital meetings are best scheduled late in the day, whether theyre personal or professionally focused. Competitors are likely to win if you engage in battle too early. This isnt the most suitable time for being dynamic and making an impact. Nothing may come of your efforts if patience is lacking and you begin too soon. The morning is best for fine-tuning plans and doing thorough groundwork. This afternoon you can shift gears as your mood changes and youre ready to go after what you want. Virgo (August 22 to September 22) Keep on an even keel and any tempestuous passion should lose its charge as time passes. Other people are apt to be more rational than you, but youll calm down later on. Business and trading should be satisfactory. Linking up with the right professionals shouldnt be an effort if undertaken right now. Dealing with an institution, perhaps the government is another potential. Showing respect and keeping a conservative attitude will certainly be appreciated by authorities. A court appearance or similar confrontation can be negotiated. Libra (September 23 to October 22) Everyone may seem to be in a mad rush, definitely not into wasting time. Restless tendencies might have you jumping, and hype easily builds. You could be so swept up in the fast pace that almost a weeks worth of work is accomplished. Communicating, delivering items, and spreading information should be very productive. Get going when it comes to advertising, whether hanging out your own sign or perusing the classifieds. A colleague may request support in order to represent certain people. Your ideas and observations can mean a lot. Lateral thinking will lead to the best solutions. An unusual and unique educational path is possible for a youngster. Scorpio (October 23 to November 22) Acting locally and thinking globally are a productive combination. Long-term plans and ambitions are under encouraging signs. Family and home-based business can get a positive boost and greater recognition for efforts so far. A person close to you might achieve a landmark accomplishment, possibly related to beauty or the arts. Contacts suggested by a relative are worth considering. Someone who knows someone can save you a lot of time, fast-tracking a helpful process. The goodwill of other people should be shown suitable appreciation. Even the smallest thank you can be of bigger value than you might think. Sagittarius (November 23 to December 20) Today, you can look forward to some real treats. Affection should flow to you and also from you. This is an excellent time for romance and for appreciating all the special delights of life. With Valentines Day about to happen tomorrow, even the most ordinary interactions should carry a rosy tone. Enjoy being friendly and responsive. Smiles and good vibes go a long way. It will be easy to stay fixated in a dream, with Mercury also about to go backward in imaginative Pisces. A new relationship that starts now looks very promising. Just dont get too caught up in a dream and overwhelm this new person. Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) Today, you may take other people by surprise. Jaws might drop and eyebrows rise when you say or do something out of the ordinary. You may even astonish yourself. Your gift of gab is greater than usual, your mind is sharper, and your reflexes are quicker. For entrepreneurs, this is a time when you can dare to be different. Show off your unique talents. Presenting innovative, original thoughts will make an impression thats hard to forget. Fortunate coincidences might occur while you are moving about in your local area or neighborhood. A chance meeting with an unusual character is sure to spice up the day. Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Being too tough or forceful could backfire. Only in a cutthroat commercial arena or on the sporting field should you compete aggressively. Your reputation and respect are best kept intact by maintaining a disciplined reserve rather than being too open. People will sense your disapproval without you doing or saying very much. Heated exchanges with relatives and neighbors could have deep roots and murky undercurrents. Clearing the air in an obvious way might appear effective but is unlikely to deal with the underlying unspoken issues. Futile or destructive arguments with loved ones should be patched up later with sweeteners like flowers, chocolates, or even the offer of a massage. Pisces (February 19 to March 20) Delayed beginnings to building and constructing can now move ahead, although only after some wheeling and dealing is finalized. Conferring with qualified professionals such as a designer or architect may be necessary. A shift in residency is another potential, either actually moving or making decisions about doing so. The day is suitable for house hunting or searching for the right place to rent. Landlords and agents may go out of their way to please. Important relationships can be formed with these people. Contact with a father or other close male figure might be necessary. Someone patriarchal might visit or even move in.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 18:01:00 +0000

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