Predictions for ESL One - Day - TopicsExpress


Predictions for ESL One - Day 1 ----------------------------------------------------- HR vs. Epsilon This game is tough, its really hard to pick because it comes down to the map and the players on the day. Im not betting on this match due to it being risky. But the situation is this, if Shox lifts and FXY0 does too, then Id say itd be Epsilon win. But HR can all hold their own and arent reliant on 1-2 players in their team to carry. Id go low on whatever team you feel, this match is really 50-50 with a sight advantage to HR for teamplay. -------------------------------------------------------- NiP vs. Wolf Just Inventory Cleaner Bet (low bet, cent skins) on Wolf, the odds are too stupidly high to bet on NiP to get a good enough return. Not to mention the last time we saw NiP at G3, they werent too hot. Put $1 on Wolf this game for an easy $10 return, no sweat. ---------------------------------------------------------- LC vs. LDLC Another tough game I consider 50-50. Honestly though, the last match LDLC had was against Mousesports, now they very well couldve thrown the match, but its unlikely. I simply think LDLC isnt at top form yet but feel they will peak later in ESL. Yes, chain logic is dumb, but I think LDLCs strategy is to leave their best efforts for when it most counts. If theyre picking up rounds off LC then LDLC will do fine. LC on the other hand, are somewhat reliant on Polly, yet they can all hold their own too and they have so much to prove. So LC can very well win it. :) If I had to pick Id go low bet on LC, because of the odds and the chance that LDLC wont be 100%. ------------------------------------------------------------- Na Vi vs. Copenhagen Wolves I dont really know with this match as NaVi could go 100% HAM and wreck CW. But based off how NaVis been travelling, I dont hav much faith. Skip this match or go low on CW. -------------------------------------------------------------- Virtus.Pro vs. dAT This really should be a VP win, but this can go either way. VP I think is a lot like LDLC, they will try their best only when it truly counts. And if VP loses they have a much harder match ahead of them against FNatic or IBP. dAT however have surprised, and this will be their true test on LAN as to whether they can be with the best. But off the basis that VP HAS to win this match. Id go Medium or High on VP if the odds go below 70%. --------------------------------------------------------------- FNATIC vs. IBP SKIP THIS! SAVE YOUR SKINS!!!! Too unpredictable... --------------------------------------------------------------- C9 vs. Titan Titan is imo the team that has improved the most, getting the most wins I groups at G3 out of the top Euro teams and making it to the G3 finals mean they mean business. Titan is an All-Star squad with amazing abilities. However, they are coming back from a large fall from grace, this is again their opportunity to prove themselves. It really relies on Titan if KennyS starts to play good. If he lifts the entire team goes nuts, especially NBK. C9 on the other hand is the second best, if not the most consistent North American team, at ESEA they went against all the big Euro teams to make it to the final under their old Organisation Complexity. I think theyre a great team too, and again I feel these games are a little 50-50. I would give a slight advantage to Titan, purely because of the odds and the fact that the can all go nuts and beast pretty much anyone. So bet LOW on Titan, or Medium. ---------------------------------------------------------------- VoX vs. Dignitas Ah yes, the match that has the least risk like the VP match. And I really will give it to Dignitas, theyre a top team, they can hang with the best and they have great consistency. They barely lose, and when they do its by a small margin. As an Aussie myself, I can say VoX is the best Aus. team, they won their rightful place at ESL, stomping the Aussie competition. But I feel they cant upset this really, they (VoX) are a team that has wicked great aim but poor tactics and they rely heavily on the enemy making mistakes. Not to mention most of their wins to get to ESL were on Inferno, where they got CT side first. Id go Medium or High on Dignitas. --------------------------------------------------------------- Wrapup: HR vs. Epsilon - HR (Low-Medium) NiP vs. Wolf - Low/ICB on Wolf LC vs. LDLC - LC (Low bet) NaVi vs. CW - (Skip) dAT vs. VP - VP (Medium) IBP vs. FNATIC - (Skip) C9 vs. Titan - Titan (Low bet) Dignitas vs. VoX - Dignitas (Medium-High Bet)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:19:27 +0000

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