Preface to this story: ● I keep a very clean home-dishes daily - TopicsExpress


Preface to this story: ● I keep a very clean home-dishes daily (often 3 times a day), trash out every morning, vacuum every 2 days, sweep daily, make my bed every morning, etc. ● My child has the ability to destroy any headphone or power cord, within a 14 day period. Last week I threw away 5 broken sets of earbuds and bought 6 pairs from Amazon & hid them, to dole out every two weeks, or as fast as she destroys the current pair. I have bought at least 8 power cords for her phone in the last year. Comedy of Errors: After work, where someone yelled at me for something I had nothing to do with... I drive to the West side to pick up a library book I asked to hold, and am excited to read. Curl up with this book in my room, choose some music on my phone-which needs charging. Realize the kid has my phone cord, which means all 3 of hers are dead. I need my phone cord, you cant use it, you will break it. Lets throw ALL your broken ones away & find the extra one I bought months ago & hid on the shelves for this moment Go to the living room, sit in the office chair, roll it to look at the shelves. Smell something awful. Realize I have rolled the chair through cat shit. Said some very unpleasant things about the cat. Clean up the cat shit on the floor,(the first time he has done this-better be the last) realize the chair wheels must be scrubbed...pick up office chair, it is new-yet somehow now missing two screws holding the base to the chair, almost breaks in two pieces. Said unpleasant things about the chair. Haul the chair to the bathroom to put the wheels in the tub to wash...chair wont fit through bathroom door. Yes, used words that would make the saints cry. Lift chair into kitchen sink so that wheels can be scrubbed, but I must hold chair up at same time. Use sprayer to clean wheels-get water all over myself, cant stop thinking about how I will never want to use the sink again knowing cat shit was in it. No amount of bleach will make me forget. (This takes forever, the shit is buried into the wheel hubs) Im getting madder and madder. The one clean chair wheel pinches my arm. Intense cursing. I ask the kid to get out of her room and go clean the cat box, I open the closet to get those supplies...and the closet door pops off the hinge and hits me in the head. More language that you probably have only heard in movies like Goodfellas. Took a deep breath, remembered Is this going to matter when you are 65? No. Back in my room, 2 power cords will arrive here on Saturday from Amazon, book open... fury disabled...
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:55:06 +0000

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