Prefacing with my own Cherokee heritage. Now, I am going to make a - TopicsExpress


Prefacing with my own Cherokee heritage. Now, I am going to make a statement that will tick off the many and various anti-americans around the world. Yes, the Europeans took over the New World. Yes, they did so while fighting the Indians, sometimes using MUCH less than correct manners. However, the implication that the Indians were a bunch of innocent peace loving Eloi is ridiculous. We ARE talking about some of THE finest warriors in the world. their main downfall was the lack of technological advancement which left them vulnerable to the superior firepower of the Europeans. In the course of history, civilization has conquered civilization and built upon it. It wearies me to see over and over again the various and sundry anti-American liberals (VERY few of whom believe in their stands enough to actually LEAVE) preach on about the terrible acts of this nation and her founders and original settlers as if those founder and settlers had invented to very idea of cruelty. to hear some of these folks, slavery was invented in the American Colonies. no one had ever thought of it, before and only Americans would be cruel enough to do it. Americans, obviously, were the very first people on the planet to consider taking the land of others by force. And yet, from those terrible acts, and countless others FAR more noble, rose the greatest nation on the planet. One ruled not by a man (contrary to the belief and desires of the current occupant of the White House) but by the People. with equal voice for all. Wit justice for all. So, please, SPARE ME the endless preachings of Europeans killing and stealing and the criminal that was Christopher Columbus. Let us sit back and enjoy our Thanksgiving in the spirit it was originally concieved. Giving thanks to God for his many bounties and blessings. Blessings which include the country where we live and where we, as a people, enjoy the freedom to gripe and moan and try to rewrite history.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 23:55:53 +0000

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