Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust NODAL KP ORGANIZATION FOR KASHMIRI - TopicsExpress


Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust NODAL KP ORGANIZATION FOR KASHMIRI HINDU TEMPLES AND SHRINES BILL Resolution against dilution of the ambit of THE KASHMIRI HINDU TEMPLES AND SHRINES BILL Background: A comprehensive legislation for protection, preservation and maintenance of the huge temple and shrine heritage of Kashmir has been the lasting consensus demand of the exiled Hindus of Kashmir. This concurrence was shown when on the 14th of April 2011 the community unanimously selected PNB TRUST as the nodal organization to spearhead agitation for the BILL. Over the last couple of years the PNB Trust held over a hundred meetings within the community at different places. The Trust met the opinion makers, intellectuals, media personnel and leaders of political parties and mobilized allround support for the BILL. These efforts brought the Temples and Shrines Bill to the centre stage. Today attention of the state people, press and legislature is focused on it. The Bill has been brought out of one cold-store. It is still pending before the select committee though we have been assured that it shall be passed in the coming sessions. At the same time, the desecration and vandalisation of the temple heritage continues. The Trust delegation which met the CM had been assured that sale of the religious lands would be banned outright and that the shrines shall be protected till the enactment of the Bill, yet little has been done. We continue receiving reports of desecration and encroachment of religious properties, the recent one being the breaking of holy icon at Khirman Nandram in Kupwara, which happened just a few days ago. Now, as the bill nears this hoped for passage, vested interests to have become active seeking to derail the whole purpose of the bill. The community and the bill aim at bringing all the temples and shrines of Hindus of Kashmir valley under one transparent and democratic management with legislative authority, yet lobbying for exemptions under one pretext or the other are afoot. Hence this resolution of the community will is preferred before this joint meeting: Resolved that the community is totally opposed to any dilution in the TEMPLES AND SHRINES BILL, which includes all the Hindus temples and shrines of Kashmir within its ambit. Resolved further that we would fight all attempts to limit the reach and scope of the BILL to protect, manage and maintain all shrines and temples. Passed unanimously with voice vote, today the 24th of August 2013, at Badshah Kalandar Ashram, Patoli, Jammu: Signed/= (Dr K L CHOWDHURY) President of the meet
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 17:10:17 +0000

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