Preparations to Dancer Pose-Nataraja Previously I have shown - TopicsExpress


Preparations to Dancer Pose-Nataraja Previously I have shown you guys how to get into King Pigeon pose. Pretty similar prep like king pigeon but just Deeper! We need to explore the breath into our thoracic region as opening this region is a Must to allow more space for Nataraja. Heres a suggestion of what to prep into the pose: A) work on the opening of the thoracic region and learn to create length in your lumbar and breathe into those udiyyana bandha. You will need to have even greater thoracic expansion & space compared to King Pigeon to enable you to lengthen all the way to Dancer. TIP: in the verge of rotating your shoulders to flip your elbows up; try this--- surge your chest forward more to open more space on the thoracic region to allow you to balance is pose... if the upper mid region is not open enough; you will end up feeling too much weight from the back leg & fall.. do bear in mind it is the balance you are trying to find here. . Of course the standing leg has to Adduct in to the center! B) work on those shoulder rotation of downward action to externally rotate those arms engaging muscles such ad your serratus anterior to provide that shoulder stability; back extensors such as trapezius and lats (those wrapping sensation of V-Shape) & of course those chest opening of Pecs muscles and front deltoids C) hip flexors (psoas) opening is must as it gives a great deal of lengthening especially on the lumbar region (anatomically the psoas is linked from lumbar to the lesser trochanter of the femur bone). D) Most important of all- Must Breathe and Relax to gracefully into the pose and not causing tension on unnecessary muscles. Inhale to expand the udiyyana! E) Remember to Adduct those hips (square hips) for balance and you will feel that lift from mula bandha all the way up to your udiyyana bandha! Dancer is suppose to be a graceful lots of preparations needed for it. Disclaimer: those who has precondition injuries or kyphotic posture; my advice is dont do this pose- seek for a professional medical physiotherapy or chiropractor or yoga therapist or massage therapist or osteopath to work on your spinal structure first. From anatomical perspective; if you have injuries or spinal structural issue and force into the pose; the outer layer muscles will cause more strain on your joints. So happy yoga learning and if you have any questions regarding the pose; or injuries or therapeutic questions please feel free to PM Facebook or email me at jamespilates@gmail or join my upcoming Functional Anatomy in Yoga on Nov 8th-9th if you happen to be in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia! Thats all for now..and remember to practice yoga safely and with joy and a light in your heart. . Namaste !
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 15:38:52 +0000

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