Prepare: There are many competing pressures on our time, not the - TopicsExpress


Prepare: There are many competing pressures on our time, not the least of which is the challenge of Christian service. We need to choose this day who we will serve (v 15). His story We live in a world of advancing technology, where we can access huge amounts of information at the push of a button. The need to remember phone numbers has gone, as all necessary details are stored in our phones. In such a world, the oral tradition, the art of the storyteller, is in danger of being lost. It has been said that as Christians we need to interpret all of history as ‘His Story’. Choosing to serve God In today’s passage we see that God’s people had become complacent and were in danger of forgetting the larger narrative by trusting in their own might rather than the strength of their saviour God. Joshua takes the opportunity of reminding them how God has directed them over centuries (v 3) by telling them an old story. It was God alone who shaped their history (v 13) for his purposes (v 14). Joshua’s call is for honesty. The people had compromised by worshipping other gods (v 14b), but now was decision time. Was serving God so undesirable (v 15a)? For Joshua and his household there was only one choice and that was to serve the living God. Respond: Ask God to reveal to you how he wants you and your house to serve him this week. Allow him to remind you of his love and grace working through history.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 15:11:54 +0000

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