Prepare and expect the unexpected. Matthew 24:44 Therefore - TopicsExpress


Prepare and expect the unexpected. Matthew 24:44 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. The dictionary describes prepare as 1. to make ready or suitable in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc: to prepare a meal; to prepare to go. 2. to put together using parts or ingredients; compose or construct 3. (tr) to equip or outfit, as for an expedition 4. (Music, other) music (tr) to soften the impact of (a dissonant note) by the use of preparation 5. be prepared (foll by an infinitive) to be willing and able (to do something): Im not prepared to reveal these figures. [C15: from Latin praeparāre, from prae before + parāre to make ready] As I stood in the kitchen early this morning, I decided I would get dinner prepared. I seasoned meat, and left it to marinade in the fridge, I chopped vegetables , to sauté later in the day. I blanched carrots , and let them rest. I boiled potatoes, ready to roast later on. As I worked at each ingredient that would bring the meal together, something seemed to go wrong. The pepper mill top came off and showered the meat in pepper corns, the potatoes , seemed soft, and waxy, and although not cooked seemed to be crumbling to nothing, I stood there wondering why I had wasted my time when everything was not going the way I had envisioned it. Thats when The Lord reminded me that sometimes thats how life is for us. We prepare what we think is necessary, put all our effort in, and things go wrong. Now we can either throw in the towel, and sulk, and give up, or we can take a breath, review the situation again, and see what we can do. Maybe you typed a document, and it got erased, before you had a chance to save it, maybe you tried a business idea, and it did not work out, maybe you got hurt in a relationship, and you vowed never to love again. You might have taken an exam and failed, or tried to learn something new and it looked nothing like it was intended to. Today I challenge us all to not become disillusioned , when our preparation , does not turn out the way we intended. In art , and in life I have found that many a mistake has turned out eventually to work in my favour. So when the unexpected happens in your preparation do not get distracted, disappointed, or down hearted, if you can learn a lesson, redirect your vision, let it go , and try it again, but never give up, and keep moving forward. Oh yes and dont forget that we are here on earth for a purpose. God is coming back soon, so dont get too comfortable here, its only temporary. In all your preparations make sure you are ready to meet the King of a kings and The Lord of lords. Much love Janice. Mwaaaaahhhhh
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 09:21:35 +0000

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