Prepare for Spring Equinox Energy Gateway - (15.03.14). (Posted - TopicsExpress


Prepare for Spring Equinox Energy Gateway - (15.03.14). (Posted @2012 The Big Picture, compiled by Rique Seraphico). Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe (Full Album) - 432hz Video Link: __________________________________ Source Link: consciouslifenews/prepare-equinox-energy-gateway/1171585/ They say if you have a need of information that if you state your request before you go to sleep at night, you will have your answer in the morning. I took some money out of the bank last week—just in case—and hid it, and I couldn’t for the life of me remember where, as I move it around, LOL. I have no problem coming up with creative places to stuff it. Before I went to sleep on Wednesday night I stated that I wanted to wake up at 6:45 and I wanted to know where I hid the money. Sure enough, I woke up at 6:45 and had my recall of what I’d done with the envelope. Now I just have to find the other one! Maybe the full moon or equinoxial energies will come through for me again. ;0) ~ BP __________________________________ As equinox approaches next week, you may be feeling called to balance energies in your life and to have more clarity about your path. Equinox, after all, is the start of a new season with new energies. In fact, this particular equinox is a powerful energetic gateway with positive potentials to accelerate your forward movement. To connect with those opportunities, your energy must be balanced and you must be clear about what you want. The “wants” must be in alignment with your heart and higher purpose, too. Ego-based “wants” do not benefit from spiritual energy gateways like equinox. Green-Light Energy Indeed, some potent green-light energy will be available at this gateway. This may manifest as a spurt in your personal creativity and an enhanced ability to come up with innovative solutions to longstanding dilemmas. You may find yourself connecting more with spirit and the higher realms at equinox, too. The combination of enhanced creativity and spirit focus can be just the catalyst you have needed to make measurable progress. Meanwhile, leading up to equinox, you live in challenging times. On many days you may feel like you are walking on a tightrope, attempting to stay calm and positive when it’s chaotic and you have few real answers to your bigger questions. You are not alone, of course. This is something that humanity at large is facing and moving through. Key Factor to Consider at Equinox Humanity is being forced to look at its collective past as it transforms a multitude of dysfunctional systems, mindsets, and approaches to living on the Earth. To move forward, society as a whole must look back at its past to understand how the current crisis occurred. The new more loving society you want cannot come into being without changing the basic foundation of how life is lived. Just as you have past lives, humanity’s collective has a long past. Much of it is not pretty, or even understandable to you reading this now. Much of it likely sounds nonsensical and the polar opposite of the loving world that you know deep in your bones can and will be co-created. You are, after all, an active part of both humanity’s collective and the co-creation of a heart-centered existence. It is wired into your very DNA to seek nothing less than a heart-centered world with love as its foundation. The collective consciousness is created over time by the masses of humanity. It is an always-evolving mix of attitudes, ways of being, and learned patterns. The good news is that it changes over time, and indeed it is in an accelerated process of change now. You don’t have to look far to notice that a radical planetary revolution is under way. You intellectually know these things, of course. You may even accept the idea that birthing of a brand-new world can and will be messy. On a personal level, however, it’s normal to have anxiety and impatience and to feel confused about your own path. Divine Changemakers Do Not Forget Sometimes you may even want to disconnect from your knowing of what brought you to Earth now – feeling discouraged and perhaps wondering if you have what it takes to be at the forefront. Divine changemakers like you really do not forget what they know, of course. Your inner wisdom, when you invite it and listen to it, will validate that you do have what it takes – and even more. You came equipped on quantum levels you are only beginning to appreciate! At this equinox you are being asked to own your divine power and to question more deeply what remains in the way of your full soul expression. As you do this, you can discover and heal past influences that block you today. You may not be able to personally identify these influences, but others trained to do so can see them and clear them from your DNA. Example: past life patterns involving persecution for your gifts can prevent you from success this life. In this Horse Year, you will have access to lots of fiery energy to fuel your momentum. Equinox is one of those gateways when you can connect more with this fire and its constructive use in your soul’s journey. Fire relates to being present and taking action. If you are delaying needed actions – consciously or not – you may get a wake-up call. It will be a call to action. Taking an Active Role at Equinox You are alive now to take an active role. This means two things at this equinox gateway: (1) recognizing your role in the larger process of collective transformation, and doing that, having a bigger perspective of both the challenges and opportunities you and humanity face and (2) recognizing that your present circumstances are rooted in the past, just as humanity’s are; once you own this and begin doing the deeper work of DNA clearing to address past influences, your present and future can look dramatically different. Given this background, set your intention to benefit fully from this gateway. Ask spirit to reveal things in your dreams and to help you be more compassionate with yourself and others. Invite a knowing, too, of the interwoven connections existing between you and other people who today catalyze your pain. Be open to the idea that your current challenging boss or partner could have been with you in another lifetime – setting up the drama you now experience. With this perspective, you can find more peace while you heal old patterns. This will help you to shine your light even more brightly in the days ahead.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 02:38:37 +0000

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