Prepare for a rant....I am sooooo flipping pissed off right now! - TopicsExpress


Prepare for a rant....I am sooooo flipping pissed off right now! As most of you know, I have 3 large and very lovable dogs. YES they are big and YES they look scary but they are LOVE BUGS!!! I have been approached by 2 people (last summer) in the neighborhood that I walk my dogs in about them being scared and not believing that 1 woman (EGAD) could possibly control these large and scary dogs...even though at the time they are talking to me I have complete control of my dogs and there is no growling, lunging, whining or barking...just panting. As a preface to this story I must tell you the personalities of my dogs are all different. Lulu is my best girl. Friendly to everyone, great with kids, other dogs and does not have any bad behavior. Except being stubborn. :) Leo is super friendly...thinks everyone should want to meet him and give him loving. But when he sees other dogs he gets vocal by whining and mewling because he wants to say hi. It is never a good idea to let 2 on leash dogs greet each other so I always have to tell him NO. Nakita is the corrector. She thinks she is the Alpha and has to correct Leos excitable behavior with a push, growl or bark. I have to remind her at times that I am in charge and she needs to chillax. She falls in line and all is good again. Tonight in the 1st minute of our 1st walk in quite a while (since it has been hot) we turned the corner to see a man walking his boxer. He was on the other side of the street. Leo got excited as if he were seeing a long lost friend for the first time in years. He started whining and pulling towards this dog. Nakita started her correcting and things SOUNDED like they were about to get out of hand. However, a few quick corrections both verbally and with their collars and I regained control of my dogs and had them back in the heel position walking in the opposite direction (where we were already heading) in a matter of seconds As we were walking away a man in a black SUV passed us heading in the direction of the other guy and was shaking his head at me. I saw him stop to talk to the man with the boxer. About 10 minutes later I hear a car coming up behind us so I get on the other side of the street. It was a cop. He said hello...I said hello and my dogs all sat down as I stopped. He said someone had called him and said my dogs were acting aggressive and were dangerous. I said that as he could see they were not aggressive or dangerous. I explained what had happened and he took my name, address and phone number and said OK, I am out of here I thought that would be the end of it. Saw many others on our walk and the kiddos were super well behaved and everyone smiled at us and waved. They are not usually unruly dogs but , like I said, it was the 1st minute of our 1st walk in a while. Upon arriving at the driveway that we cut thru to get back to our house the man with the boxer stops me. Of course, he is without his dog and in his truck now. He says THAT was a close call. I tried to explain that Leo was just wanting to play and Nakita was not interested in his dog but correcting her brother, etc. He was having none of it. He said him and some other neighbors did not want me walking my dogs there again. I explained that this is my neighborhood too and that this is the only place I can walk them without having to load them into the car and going to the park. I told him the police had my name, address and phone number thanks to him. He said if your dogs attack mine and there is a dog fight I will sue you and that he thinks NO ONE could handle and control 3 large dogs. He pulled off like a coward and didnt let me respond. What...a dick! Needless to long as it isnt too hot I will be walking my dogs in THAT neighborhood every freaking night this week. I will not be bullied out of walking my dogs!!!! I somewhat understand their fear but it is just that...fear! And I will not let fear rule me, my dogs or what I do in this lifetime!!!! End rant...thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 02:12:32 +0000

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