Prepare yourselves Spiritually not Financially Money will not - TopicsExpress


Prepare yourselves Spiritually not Financially Money will not get you out of this Earth before the impending destruction. Please do not be like those fools in Noahs day !!! Repent & Seek Salvation in the only one who can give it to you . His Name is Jesus and there is no other name under the heaven by which you can enter His Kingdom.!! This is real ! Take this serious ,Your eternal life depends on it. I know many of you think we are just a bunch of Jesus fanatics with an Apocalyptic view , but we are not . We know Him ! He is real ! And what is fixing to happen is real also !! We are just servants of God sent out to teach you and reveal the hidden things to you that you , yourself are unable to see spiritually. That is why they are presently beheading and persecuting Christians. Because we are the only ones in the way , and everyday we pose a great threat to their plans because the Holy Spirit reveals them to us to wsrn you all and get as many of you saved before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comes to rapture us as He promised in the Bible. Once the we are gone so is the gospel !! There will be no bibles for you. They are going to make you all their Slaves , Just like the days of Pharoah . and Mark you like a beast. God I pray my friends that you please meditate on this and not follow the crowds opinion. I love you all, God Bless. Jesus is forgiving if you seek Him with repentance and a sincere heart. His gift is Grace and eternal life. ♥ But as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking , marrying and giving in marriage , until the day that Noah entered into the ark , And knew not until the flood came , and took them all away ; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.........Matthew 24; 36 ~ 37.... Pay close attention to what these verses are trying to tell you. We all know that nobody knows the DAY and HOUR not even the Angels only the Father. ( Matt 24; 36 ) ............However He does tell us that on the day He arrives people will still be drinking , going out eat , getting married that sounds like your daily average day. Clearly the banks have not yet crashed or people wouldnt be able to afford to do this. Also if a war had broken out ! This is not the atmosphere in which everyone would be going about their businesses as normal. And there real is not sight in this verse where there is any distress or sorrow. So if none of these things are taking place upon His return , and we now have all these Countries aligning themselves for the Psalms 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 - 39 Armageddon War as we speak , then wouldnt you think that if He has intentions to find the earth in the condition that He says it will be on that day He describes. It probably would be sometime before all choas and confusion ? Yes my brothers and Sisters we are that close. I will say that our Father has appointments with His children and these appointments come to us with Signs in the Heavens. That is His way of telling us there is change coming. So brothers and Sisters look up towards the sky because we have another appointment with our Creator on April 4 , 2015 The 3 rd Blood Moon out of 4 Tetra. Its time to get right with your maker and stop living in Sin and performing Sin. Peace be unto you.♥
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 05:42:03 +0000

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