Preparing my testimony to share in Uganda and felt some of you may - TopicsExpress


Preparing my testimony to share in Uganda and felt some of you may need to hear this part: (Based on a sermon by Kelvin Parks) Mark 14:4 While Mary is worshipping, others around her were complaining about the cost of her worship. In essence, they were probably saying why, would this woman, take a year’s worth of salary and waste it. I come to realize that it does not matter what you do. It could be good or bad, right or wrong. Folk always have something to say! However, notice that the text records the women worshipping and not responding to her critics... But Jesus did! (vs 6-8). You see, when Mary anointed Jesus, she wasn’t looking for a place in the spotlight. She wasn’t trying to get her named called, or win the applause of the crowd. What she did was done because of her overwhelming love for the LORD. If only if we can be more like Mary: - Less logical and more generous with our treasures - Less analytical and more compassionate - Less self-centered and more Christ-centered - Less concerned about what somebody might think or say and more anxious to honor One who first loved me. And that is what I want to let somebody know today. Don’t ever allow anybody to get you to the point whereby you stop worshipping GOD and start worrying about your critics. You see, I learned that you can’t do both. Either you gonna do extraordinary things for GOD or you gonna respond to what your critics are saying about got to shake off the haters! let nobody stop you from allowing GOD to use you. I’m a firm believer that GOD does not call the equipped, but that He equips the called -- why, so that no man shall boast. This simply means you don’t need a big fancy title for GOD to use you. No matter how great or how small the task, GOD can use you. Oh yes, GOD specializes in using ordinary folk like you and I to do extra-ordinary things. It does not matter...GOD can still use you! So the next time you feel inadequate, like I once did just remember that you are in good company and in the right place to be used by GOD. Be blessed, Joanie.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:47:25 +0000

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