Preparing the Temple, With the Red Heifer. For several weeks now - TopicsExpress


Preparing the Temple, With the Red Heifer. For several weeks now I have had the Temple, YHVH sacred dwelling place in my mind, and the theme is, getting it prepared and purified for the Habitation of the King our Messiah. I have written before, about the Temples, the first that I believed was the Garden of Eden, the second the Temple in the wilderness, the third one the Temple of Solomon, the forth, which was pulled down in 70 AD, and the one that is for today, the last Temple, being the Temple within the hearts of the believers, as this Temple is the important one for us now. This theme or should I say these thoughts have not gone away, but have grown even deeper and more intense for me. Luk 11:21 When the strong man, fully armed, guards his dwelling, his goods are in peace. Luk 11:22 But when one stronger than he comes, he overcomes him. He takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and he distributes his arms. Luk 11:23 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters. Luk 11:24 When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he walks through dry places seeking rest. And finding none, he says, I will return to my house from which I came out. Luk 11:25 And when he comes, he finds it swept and decorated. Luk 11:26 And he goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and entering in, they dwell there. And the last state of that man is worse than the first. These words from Luke are about when Yahushua first enters our lives He enters through the gate of our hearts and cleans out the temple, and casts out the strongman that has had control over our lives, in some cases for too long. Yahushua cleanses and rearranges our hearts (The Temple), and for many of us we them have a zeal for our new found Saviour, and we open up our temple and welcome the Holy Spirit of our King into our lives, but as time goes by and the newness of our born Again life becomes all too familiar to us, it all too often begins to wear thin and the cobwebs and dust builds up in our tabernacle, and The Holy spirit becomes a visitor rather than a resident. To some the shine of the temple will fade and the rooms become vacant, only to leave an opportunity for Satan’s hoards to move back in. One of the Hebrew customs that has come to my attention and thoughts lately is the ceremony of the RED HEIFER, I didn’t know much about this ceremony so I had to go and see what it was about, so to put it in a nut shell, I will endeavour to explain how it fits in with this message. The Red Heifer had to be a red young cow that was perfect in every way right down to there being no white hairs on her, even the hooves had to be red. This Heifer a cow that has not calved, or had a bull over her, she was to be a heifer that had not been worked, a cow that was innocent in every way, in other words a virgin cow, a heifer, a servant animal yet to be put to its purpose, this cow represented to us the pure Blood of our Saviour, our Yahushua, Himself. After the heifer was killed it was burnt to ashes, the ashes were used to purify and sanctify the new temple, they were also used to cleanse a priest who touched a dead body, to purify him before he could go back into the temple, so the red heifer not only purified a new temple, it was also to cleansed a defiled temple. The red heifer was used ceremonially to sanctify the Temple. So now you may be able to see where I am going with the Red Heifer. In Israel today I believe the Temple Institute is combing the globe looking for a Red Heifer for when they rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. There have apparently been nine red heifers to date and it is believed that the tenth Red Heifer, the next one will be needed to usher in the Messiah Himself. This I believe is saying something to us. So how does all this fit into our lives and world today? As many of us are not in any position to go out and get a Red Heifer, or even look for one. To many of us the Red Heifer’s ashes have been poured out over us, simbolicly, and our temple was then cleansed and made ready for Yahushua’s Spirit to dwell in, when we were first saved. Some of us have remained faithful and kept the temple clean and habitable, some of us have neglected the maintenance of our temple and some have simply forgotten they even are the temple. But thank YHVH we have been living in an age of grace, a time when our ABBA hasn’t wiped us off, but all the same the temple has become defiled. Just as the temple in Jerusalem had been defiled many times and had to be re-purified, to revive the Temple function and several times rebuilt. I have written this because I feel very strongly that Yahushua Spirit is soon coming to us in a big way, and He will only dwell in a Temple suitable for THE KING. Nearly all of us, or at least I would say too many of us have neglected our temple, or let the dust build in its corners which means we have some housekeeping to do, some may even have to seek The red Heifer (Yahushua) and get down on thier knees and repent and rededicate their temple, as the Holy spirit is very particular about the condition of the temple He will dwell in. But why is this so important, we have been going on for years as we are and this issue was never bought up? The simple answer to this is, we are about to enter a time like there has never been before, a time when getting through till the end or getting through to eternity will be conditional on having the Holy Spirit of our ABBA alive and living in our hearts, our Temple. We are being given the chance now to do a clean out of our lives and be ready, a time when we can work with ABBA and be ready to stand when the storm strikes or He will do it for us. And that will mean tribulation of a type that mayl drive the weak and the half-hearted away. ABBA’s heart is that no one should perish and to the half- hearted and the weak in the faith, it is a time to get the strength to stand, NOW. Many of us know that we are on the verge of the Tribulation, a time described in the Bible as the worst of times this world will see, this will be a time when for those that cannot get their temples clean, may very well have them cleaned the hard way by The Holy Spirit himself. We are on the verge of the return of our Saviour, a time when evil and deception will manifest its self in unimaginable ways, this will be a time when we will need like never before to have Yahushua’s Spirit dwelling in our hearts. The bible tells us there will be a great falling away in these last days, and much of that will be from deception and the trials too many will give in too, for without the Holy Spirit in our hearts we will neither have the strength nor the discernment to get through these days as true witnesses of the salvation through Yahushua. Just as the Jewish priest had to cleanse the Temple after the Abomination of desolation was put in the Temple by Antiochus Epiphanes, in the second century BC, we also must clean out our hearts to be ready for The Holy Spirit, as we have let the world into our lives and our hearts. We have all been touched by the world in some way, by religion, by compromises, by false hopes, by the world and by doctrines that have divided us. This is the day when we are being given the chance to be ready or we will be not be given the choice in the days ahead, Satan is waiting and prowling about like a hungry vulture, ready to devour anyone that falls, So today we have the chance still to be made ready to take on what lays ahead with the joy and strength of the Holy Spirit in us, and be a bride worthy of the King of Kings.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 09:25:47 +0000

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