Present New Earth Cataclysmic Events So if the prophecies of - TopicsExpress


Present New Earth Cataclysmic Events So if the prophecies of many cultures - including the Mayan and Australian - are correct we are now firmly in the Fifth Earth - the New Earth we have all awaited for so long. Those who have managed to walk through the spiritual and energetic door to this time of positive creation… have done so. Those camped out in the time of chaos and greed we are leaving… have decided this is their road. All right and none wrong. But whether you have made the shift and energetically feel new energy or not - what about the cataclysms we have heard that each shift between Earths’ has accompanied them in the past? Many who well guided by mis-teachings of the Mayan prophecies and expected to world to end on 12/21/12 are still trying to understand what went wrong with that belief. The Mayans never said this - but that is in other blogs. Yet still many who were taught the true Mayan prophecies - that we would be in shift between Earths’ from early 2012 until the end of 2014 - are still wondering about ‘where is the Earth shaking turmoil’? Where are the floods? Earthquakes rending the planet apart? The new ice age and its’ slow moving glaciers? Any who built an ark this time are surely disappointed. The stories of past shifts between the planets existence and reality may well have included some - or all - of these cataclysmic events. But perhaps not at the scale recorded. Or perhaps times have changed and so have the events associated with shifts in the Earth. We have plenty of weather and climate related events over this shift time to look at. Maybe not needing an ark - but I watched my RV lifted and taken down the river two years ago. As have many others. Events triggered by the negative meddling of humans in the natural order in the name of manifest destiny of humans; that humans were to spread everywhere and use all we saw for the good of all. But the reality was a doctrine of greed and ego. And we still will have more of these climate change related weather incidents we feel certain - probably much more intense. At least until we can begin to rethink and refocus how we work with the Earth Mother. But why no huge events taking humans down to the ashes of their civilizations and killing the majority of Earth’s creatures? We have had many intense and dark human interactions - just look at terrorism world-wide by so many different people. But this Fifth Earth - by the prophecies - needs to be all about equality, harmony, new relationships and sustainability, so the forces working towards this and those resisting as they seek to retain their control both must stay on the scene until the experiment is over and light or dark is seen as dominant. This is how we were taught anyway. Phoenix is preparing to arise and there are plenty of ashes to rise from. Again, just look around. And more destruction may well amass as we begin these new times. Much of it is already there, but sitting almost invisible because of the masterful lies and deceit of those in control. Financial institutions and economic models are collapsed virtually world wide: a house of cards with no substantial assets backing the false front presented the public. Governments world wide are internally collapsed or controlled by factions with no desire to do anything but retain control. More and more people see these realities each day. The truth of the situations becomes more obvious to those unafraid to look at this scary reality. Likewise for religions. And educational institutions. And law enforcement organizations. Some of this may well ignite into more flames and create more ashes for the Phoenix of spiritual growth and sustainable human behavior to arise. Or they may just collapse under the weight of their own lies. This is not a negative state of affairs - regardless of how it may sound. These things need to collapse so new ways can grow. There just does not necessarily need to be a cataclysmic event as those recorded in the past. We propose - as are many - not to worry about those dark people and the broken institutions of the past and let happen what will. But rather roll up our sleeves and begin the actions needed for this New Earth to grow and blossom into the type of reality that can be. Feed the light wolf and leave the dark wolf to fend for itself. Eaglewolf Spirit Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother https://facebook/groups/sanctuaries/ Healing Mirror Holders https://facebook/groups/SharonJim/
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:29:27 +0000

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