Presenting another Naga Kanya wand! 情翼! It consist of - TopicsExpress


Presenting another Naga Kanya wand! 情翼! It consist of a naga kanya statue, selenite crystal and morganite crystal This wand is specially made for a naga kanya practitioner who specialize in 怀爱法 And Fairies magick This wand can help her to summon naga clan, transform their energy, personal self n space protection, perform naga rites, self healing or heal others. This wand can also help her to gather fairies. I also did a vajaryana naga ritual to empower this wand, 30,000 naga kanya hv pleadge their loyalty to this wand n will asssist all work of this wand Naga kanya is A winged maiden with a serpent’s lower half. As regards the cult of man-serpent mixed forms, Indian mythology is far more elaborate though strangely while it talks with definiteness about different serpents and their lineage, about seven-eight of them being major having well defined line, role, personality, lands they ruled or influenced, and their related myths, it is almost conspicuously silent about Naga Kanyas except sometimes as wives of these Nagas or in some minor mythological contexts. Naga Kanya statue blends three forms – woman, viper and bird. With their exceptional beauty Naga Kanya have been conceived mostly as nymphs, the creatures of ocean as well as sky, and hence, often perceived as having wings, besides the serpent part. The figure’s lower half, below the waist, is a mighty serpent. It is so massive in breadth that the figure’s upper part seems to emerge out of it. Except her five hoods over her head, the upper half of the statue is an absolute woman with fine features and glowing face, young, vigorous, beautiful. Naga kanya are very powerful protectors. Thou look pretty n demure, they are fearless n wise. Poisons and curse are their tibits Their clan strong bonding make them even more powerful as they are good team players Selenite Crystal Wand - These Selenite wands feel great to hold in your hand and are especially useful for removing entities or energetic parasites from the aura during Psychic Surgery. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. Use Selenite in a grid around your home or in the corners of a room to create a safe and peaceful space. Selenite also removes energy blocks from physical and etheric bodies. Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum. The name Selenite comes from the Greek word for moon and means “moon glow, and these Selenite Wands do glow with a shimmery, pearl-like luster. The grain of the Selenite gives a lustrous shine that goes down the length of the wand to create a beautiful visual effect. The powerful vibration of Selenite opens the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Selenite calms and brings deep peace, and offers access to past and future lives. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind problems. A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Morganite is the pink form of Beryl. It is said to attract love into your life maintaining it and making it grow. In addition Morganite encourages you to have loving thoughts and actions, reducing stress and helping you to appreciate and enjoy your life. Morganite is thought to help you become aware of ignored, unfulfilled needs and to aid you in recognising and releasing unexpressed feelings and emotions. Morganite is also said to remove resistance to healing, either conscious or unconscious, which makes it a useful addition to the Crystal Healer’s toolkit. As a pink stone Morganite cleanses and activates the Heart Chakra. In healing it is believed to treat stress, asthma, emphysema, heart problems, vertigo and impotence. It is a good crystal to use after surgery, especially where a body part has been removed, or during chemotherap The Right-Turning Conch Shell To Indians and Tibetans, the white conch shell is precious and drenched with meaning. Used originally as a horn trumpet, ancient epics describe the conch as the indispensable amulet of brave warriors. Thus Vishnu’s conch and Arjuna’s conch are legendary for their mystical powers in subduing foes and generating terror in the hearts of enemies. The conch has been regarded as an emblem of power, authority and sovereignty. The sound from the conch has the power to banish evil spirits, avert natural disasters and scare away poisonous creatures. There are male and female conch shells. The male variety have thicker shells. Conch shells are found in the Indian ocean and the Arabian sea. Ancient shells have been found in the Himalayas and the Tibetan mountains, and of course, these mountains were once the ocean floors! Tibetans favour the right-turning conch shell, believing it to be especially sacred. This conch has the lower opening placed to the right of the spiral tip. Tibetans use only right turning conches for their religious ceremonies and rituals. They believe the right spiraling movement echoes the celestial motion of the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars across the heavens. #energymandala #mandala #love #relationship #remedy #tarot #magick #ritual #spell #mandalawishmaster #family #zacken99 #shaman #shamanicwand #wand #meditation #healing #fengshui #crystalgrid #crystalgrids
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:31:46 +0000

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