■Preservation of Sources The companions of the Prophet took - TopicsExpress


■Preservation of Sources The companions of the Prophet took up the mission of the Prophet after his death. They travelled to distant lands to spread the Islamic teachings. They succeeded wherever they went. Obstacles that stood in their way in spreading Islam were all surmounted. Islam became so strong in such a short while that no one dared try to stop its growth. The Muslims were spread out from India to Spain. They changed the face of the globe. The entire population of the countries they visited were so much impressed by their good example and noble behaviour that they began to enter quickly into the fold of Islam. Wherever the Muslims went, they took their highest moral attributes with them so much so that immorality and injustice dissolved in their presence. They transformed Godless people in to God-conscious people and gave them the light of the Knowledge and strength of character. They changed their way of life so that virtue and goodness could prevail. The hands of the oppressors were held and a reign of justice and fair play established. This was the greatest achievement in the history of mankind. The Companions of the Prophet rendered yet another great service to mankind. This consisted in memorising the Qur’an and preserving it in its original form as it was revealed to the Prophet. They wrote down the Qur’an word for word and did not even miss a mark in its Arabic orthography. Today, we are most fortunate in having the Quran exactly as it was revealed to the Prophet, written and read in the same language and the same diction as it was written and read in the time of the Prophet about 1500 years ago. Another important aspect of their work was to preserve and communicate to posterity the most detailed account of the Prophet’s life, speeches, instructions, commands and morals and behaviour. These accounts by the Prophets companions are grouped together under the all embracing title of Sunnah or Hadith (Traditions of the Prophet ). This is the greatest record ever preserved about the life and activities of a man and is a great blessing to every generation. For even after laps of 1500 years after the Prophets’ death, people can still hear his teachings as the companions of the Prophet saw and heard them during his life time. Now anybody can approach Hadith literature and find out the Islamic point of view on any subject. He can learn how to become obedient to God and what type of man is liked by God. The Qur’an and the Hadith are things of greatest importance to a Muslim. With their preservation and security (God has promised to secure and preserve them), Islam is protected for all time to come. In the days before the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islam was forgotten again and again after being revived, owing to lack of necessary care regarding the preservation and security of the earlier revealed books and the details of the lives of their Prophets. This was the reason why, after Prophet, generations following forgot the real teachings and drifted towards a life devoid of good morals and norms of behaviour. But, Islam, as revived by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is bound to last forever because of the Book of God and the traditions of the Prophet are both secure and preserved in their original purity. Finally▶ The Islamic way of life can be revived and reconstructed again with the help of the Qur’an and the traditions if ever, God forbid, the freshness of its true spirit wanes. The world no longer requires any new Prophet to revive Islam to its pristine glory. It is enough to have among us the learned people who know the Qur’an and the traditions of the Prophet and who are able to apply their teachings to their own lives and stimulate others to adopt and apply them in their lives as well. ★This is how the stream of Islam will continue to flow, refreshing the eternal thirst of mankind.★ **************
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 10:52:42 +0000

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