President Assad was promoted by the Western MSM as a dictator - TopicsExpress


President Assad was promoted by the Western MSM as a dictator since the start of the Syrian Spring for refusing to answer the legitimate demands of the protesters.. while King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa whose only source of legitimacy is the NATO military bases in Bahrain, continues to be promoted as a reformer despite refusing to make ANY substantial political reforms!! Its the ultimate hypocrisy that doesnt trouble the conscious of the free Western media!!! June 2011. Between 29 May and 21 June the BBC news website carried fifty-seven stories on events in Syria. By comparison during the same period the BBC carried just twelve stories on Bahrain, eight of which were on the Formula One race (an indication of where BBC heads are at). This left just four stories on the Bahrain uprising itself and the headlines are telling: Accused Bahrain medics ‘tortured’ Bahraini medical staff charged Bahrain lifts state of emergency Faltering spring Every story on Syria however deviated not one inch from the ‘official line’ that Assad is an evil dictator who has to go. It’s worth remembering that during this time Obama met with the crown prince Al Khalifa but apparently the BBC didn’t think this was newsworthy enough to cover.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:44:27 +0000

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