President Barack Obama attended “Healing Our City: An Interfaith - TopicsExpress


President Barack Obama attended “Healing Our City: An Interfaith Service” at Boston Holy Cross Cathedral vowed: “Yes, we will find you, and yes, you will face justice,” Obama told Interfaithers “We will find you, we will hold you accountable,” he added “If they sought to intimidate us, to terrorize us. It should be pretty clear by now that they picked the wrong city to do it.” It’s a Daydream. Arresting Boston bomber as arresting Osama. Its Truthers theory now. Both Saudi owned media-maniacs Foxnews & twitter went wild. Fox News contributor Erik Rush has reportedly tweeted hashtag #muslims that all Muslims should be killed in response to Boston Marathon bombings, setting off firestorm of reaction on Twitter. I love watching loser insult their country to earn their living. Even if the One-Boston-Bomber found Muslim Au fait. Declare him Jew “Keep calm and carry on,” President Obama Utters the T- Word: warning to all Those Bees Knees Muslim who crave and got itchy-feet to America, Renounce Islam first, convert to Judaism and buy yourself an Israeli or American Passport both sold at bargain price in Brooklyn by Hezbollah Boys. You don’t need to look for them they will come after you. They are all-over FBI. They’re well Grafted into Mueller’s popguns. Both they know you’re in trouble and you need their help. Hezbollah Boys fabricate any fiction to fool government fools for living. Warning: Muslim Whomever It May Concern them to condemn Boston Bombing and offer hearty condolence to Boston Bombing victims’ love ones. Don’t do it. Its hypocrisy. Blinkered Americans ain’t ready to accepting it. Brassed off Americans will be happier to hear you say (you did it) though (you didn’t). Au fait Obama is unable discern if ‘TERRORIST’ is male or female then for Bladdered Streets of America; Muslim is Acronym for Terrorist. Got to be gunned-down at sight even if he’s Brill American. There is no law rides roughshod over status quo. Yahoo News asked “Who’s behind Boston Marathon bombings?” and offered 4 theories: (1) Islamic jihadists, (2) Right-wing militia types, (3) the government, and (4) criminally-insane lone wolf. Numbers (1), (2), and (4), of course, are the usual suspects. But including (3) “the government” on suspects list is unprecedented. To All Geographical Muslims of Boston, Harvard & MIT Junkscience Zombies. Get the hell outta USA (Hitchhike to Canada or swim to Greenland if you can) just flee before shipped to Guantanamo for bombing Boston Marathoners. According to Fox-News (Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal losing Channel): Boston Bomber is Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, 20yo Saudi Student at New England School of English for Illiterates. Guess what? He’s busted having student visa. Detective Inspector Bucket told Mr. Tulkinghorn’s Clerk in Charles Dickens Novel Bleak House: there are 3 kinds of arrests. Arrest to show an arrest. Arrest for the sake of it. And arrest for more arrests. Now that President Obama frogmarched to say for first time that attacks in Boston an “act of terrorism.” “Given what we now know about the attacks,” Obama said, “FBI is investigating it as an act of terrorism.” But Obama also said federal authorities don’t yet know who carried out the attack and why. “We don’t know whether it was planned or executed by foreign terrorist organization,” Obama said, “American people refused to be terrorized.” If Mitt Romney (God-Forbid) is the US President he will say let’s go and bomb the hell outta Belfast before bombing Mecca. Call it Terror? Of Course. “Keep calm and carry on,” who cares anyway? Whether it is work of foreign terrorists or domestic killers, Islamists or right-wingers extremists. But there should be no doubt about the fact that what happened in Boston was an act of terrorism. There is some debate about the fact that President Obama chose not to use the word terror or terrorism in describing what happened. Jonathan S. Tobin is Senior Online Editor Commentary magazine. “What strikes me is part of reason for psychological shock is that if you think about it, this is the first successful bombing – terror explosion since 9/11. We’ve had some that were attempted, like one in Times Square that never succeeded.” Charles Krauthammer another Jew drumming 911. When Adam Lanza took lives of 26 innocent people you never said: ‘oh by the way Adam Lanza was Jew and his Israelifirster mom Nancy Lanza bought him an assault weapon on his Bar-Mitzvah to learn how to kill Newtown Muslims and Sandy Hook Classmates. At 4pm. FOUR Israeli bloggers: ‘, TWITCHY, THEGATEWAYPUNDIT &’ systematically re-blogged NYPOST Baseless editorial: ‘Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital’. THIS HOAX EVAPORATED IN SECONDS. Jonathan! Why don’t you act American enough once in your life in your life and say: ‘whether it is work of foreign terrorists or domestic killers, Islamists or right-wingers extremists or deranged ISRAELIS?’ Obama irked you off big time when he chose not to use the word terror or terrorism. Wow. I enjoyed every moment of misery of ISRAELIFIRSTERS reporters in James S. Brady Press Briefing Room when POTUS snubbed their silly questions. Yes Obama is Street-Smart he knows how to defuse dumbs. He masters toying little Jewish troubled minds. If (God-Forbid) Mitt Romney is the US President he will say let’s go and bomb the hell outta Belfast before bombing Mecca. That’s what your Israeli masters wanted. More kill. More mayhem. It’s in Talmud. There are oceans of unsettle accounts that set good motives for Boston Bombing. Be prudent and take this one. It’s just another blame-game came in my mind ain’t published as yet. Bernanke Yesterday exploited PIIGSC (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus) country rush to sell all their gold reserves to pay back ECB. He announced a Gold Dump to stimulate the economy. The price of gold logged its biggest one-day decline in more than 30 years, tumbling $140.30, or 9 per cent, to $136.10. The anti-fiat-money savers will nuke USA & the whole world not only Boston Marathon for evaporating their savings in gold. Imagine an unemployed Bostonian who lost his home by foreclosure with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, his life-Insurance with AIG and lifesaving with Wachovia, and now he’s homeless living on food stamps while cash shipped to Israel – will he enjoy Celebrating Patriot-Day watching 26,000 marathoners terrorizing his neighborhood. Their’s no Boston metaphor here.Mumbai Bombers come after Israeli Diamontaries who’re exhibiting their loots away from Antwerp at Taj.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 05:47:56 +0000

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