President Bill Clinton will be in our state this weekend appearing - TopicsExpress


President Bill Clinton will be in our state this weekend appearing with Senator Hagan. That leads me to a stark conclusion. Bill Clinton recovered from his indiscretion with Monica Lewinsky, repaired the damage he did to his character, his marriage and family in his first term. He left office after his second term with a budget surplus and has become one of the worlds most respected elder statesmen. He now does great charitable work and he and Hillary both exemplify the best that any couple in America could hope for. Their daughter never lost their support as in-home parents and grew to become a remarkable person in her own right and the whole family is still trusted and respected in the Democratic party and around the world. There is no seclusion on any ranch or at any resort for those two. This all leads to one obvious fact. Democrats tend to learn from their mistakes, pick themselves up and move forward together, never stepping back, while republicans seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over and over. They bust federal and state budgets while giving more and more to only the richest among us. Whether you speak of presidents or governors or legislators their books never balance and they lack any desire to unite America. In fact, their rigid ideology and refusal to build national unity are a noose around the necks of North Carolina and America. This is no time to elect or re-elect republicans anywhere. They have damaged our state and nation tremendously. It is time for them to go, srarting right here in New Hanover County with our school board and board of commissioners and also in Raleigh and Washington. The right-wing neo-conservative movement will destroy our nation. Our people cant eat bullets and bombs and our middle class can and should no longer prop them up. It is time for change. Hope for a better tomorrow is all we really have left. VOTE, my friends. We might not get a better chance than the one we have this year! You can early vote tonight until seven pm and tommow until 1pm. Do it!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 10:31:49 +0000

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