President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is PUBLIC - TopicsExpress


President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is PUBLIC ENEMY No. 1; It’s Time She Leaves Power… To the ordinary Liberian praying for change; let’s rise and implement the answers to our prayers; Revolutionary greetings; These difficult hours, unbearable changing moments and perilous circumstances entrapping the lives of our struggling population have imposed upon us the need for change; one that redefines the true essence of our sovereign existence and enforces a decisive warrant for a new daybreak against ruthless public governors who, though few in their counts, have mastered the act of beastly treatment of the poor and vulnerable, though we’re the true custodians of constitutional and political power. The Liberian people, for whom, to whom and from whom POWER is derived, have been kneeling under synchronized systematic dictatorships and tyrannies for a long time; not out of ignorance, but agonizing tolerance in a hope for a better Liberia, a fleeting illusion now rudely awakened by the wanton irreverence and vestiges of democracy. Our once seared consciences being liberated from failed promises orchestrated to enrich the oligarchs, the day of reckoning, the fullness of time to deliver justice, is here. This is the finesse of a moment meant to punctuate our historical tragedies, fully calibrating the courage of the people, and drawing widespread momentum for the beginning of a nonviolent resistance buildup for a change that cannot wait. The period 2006 continuing through 2013 have been the most critical in the history of this nation. During this grave time interval, decisions that were fashioned and coerced to be inducted against the aspirations of the oppressed masses have not only shaped and made bleak the destiny of post-war Liberia, but has nonetheless undercut the inalienable inheritance of generations yet unborn. This period has truly been a defining moment that elevated opportunity for quality leadership under this President. Sadly, she fumbled the opportunity and failed. With close to 8 years in power, enjoying the support of a stable and tolerant citizenry in Africa’s oldest sovereign republic, Liberia derisorily remains the second poorest, least developed, and most unattractive nation in the world. Liberian children today are expected to be less educated and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. The nation’s turbulent democracy has become a plethora of national calamity, denigrating the oppressed masses to a life of wandering despair and lack. Illiteracy is on the rise, while the vast majority of Liberians struggle to survive on less than 70 cents a day. Corruption is institutionalized and has gained prestige as the official tongue of doing business in private and public sectors, morality is a curse word, and rule of law is non-existent as nepotism dominates critical public offices. Adding to the problems is the current leadership vacuum, which is so disorganized that, instead of coordinating, they have relegated to governance by antagonism amongst them, a tragic fact presupposing the regime’s inability to lead or govern. We must change course before it is too late. Having been relatively denied the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, under the government of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the People of Liberia have resolved to eliminate all obstacles standing in the way of progress and reconstitute the Republic as it was intended. The transformation shall begin by revisiting the unjust system of governance which has been in place since the 1800s, and repackaged by this President. It is inarguable that this system requires a thorough resuscitation under the coming truly democratically-elected government. After the inevitable success of this mass-based revolutionary movement, which shall gave way to the creation of an interim government that allocates space for general elections after a six months period, individuals in positions of authority shall be accountable to the People. And change at all levels must be implemented to ensure Liberia becomes fully functional and economically viable within the next 25 years! We must ensure the full and uninterrupted implementation of this redemptive agenda as of the success of this patriotic movement. The people, the custodians of true constitutional power, are about to take over for a better and industrious Liberia. By the grace of God and through the generosity of many, the People of Liberia have yet again been given the opportunity to create a dynamic new nation. This time we will not be denied! If the constitutionally blessed saying that ‘Power is inherent in the people…’ is truth, and indeed it is, then we’re taking over through a peaceful and democratic colossal assemblage of grassroots expression of power; the time is here and we cannot fail. This approach is unquestionably within constitutional limits. For the first time, the people are on the verge of history-making, by seeking the non-violent removal of a failed and despondent leadership, which creates a vacuum to be filled through free, fair and transparent democratic elections under the auspices of a neutral interim government and the international community. Liberia deserves this chance to complete its circle of democratic growth, a once achievable prospect jeopardized by greed, corruption and misrule. We are adroit to know that the window of opportunity to rescue our beloved country from climaxed plunder exists but for a season. As millions of dollars get borrowed for personal initiatives while NOCAL unjustly assigns hundreds of millions of public wealth to itself; top brass condescending to the most disgraceful spiral of public service to fritter away over 130 million dollars of intended public money at RIA, courtesy of a disgraced Defense Minister; personal spending being disguised and documented as public spending, and our forests sold to profit the upper-class, oil blocs mortgaged with little or no percentages to the country, we’re without question that reorganization must begin now; or else Liberia in the coming decades is unlikely to experience any significant progress. Rather, it will remain a debt-slave to foreign entrepreneurs and foreign-based governments, and a dismal performer and distraction within the West African sub-region soon to be hit by food crisis unmatched in the modern world. If ever there was a right moment to set into motion a definite process that would transform this nation into a thriving democracy, anchored upon solid economic footings with respect for rule of law, individual liberties, and justice; that moment is now and we lay hold to it in a fearless manner. Nevertheless, we are not oblivious to the risk associated with this struggle for change as is with all struggles against dictatorships. But within our blood lies the unyielding willpower to deliver the motherland, a cause greater than the life of a few of us, making it worthy of a glorious death should the moment requires it. We are ready because Law and Order must be restored and political chicaneries overthrown, as the elections commission and legal systems completely overhauled before the next general elections. This is vital because results of the last elections offer a good indication of what is likely to happen if these objectives are not achieved. Progress has stalled considerably, primarily because conditions were inadequate to support a credible electoral process. Put simply, the investment in 2005 and 2011 did not produce results favorable for real nation building. The current elected officials generally are a throwback to the past rather than a move towards the future. And the list of top government appointees reads like the who’s who of the 1970s and 80s. It’s not that these individuals do not possess the requisite credentials to hold the positions; rather, it’s their cruelty in destroying the entire nation and ruining the lives of so many people. Their return to national leadership has cast a dark shadow on reconstruction and has polluted the moral consciousness of the younger generation Liberians who are being exploited to legitimize the oligarchy of the old order. The time to act presents itself, and we cannot fail to seize the urgency of the moment. Inarguably, lack of willpower has contributed to the delay in genuinely restructuring institutions that are essential to fostering lasting peace, stability and prosperity. But without a definite shift in direction, it will be extremely difficult – if not impossible - to obtain the political stamina required to transforming this nation in a meaningful way. There is no doubt the current leaders are aware of this obvious fact, but they are unwilling to make the hard decisions. Doing the right thing seems to pose a moral challenge. Despite the failures of these corrupt and weaker institutions and their attending repercussions on the country, public officials without distinction continue to hit the skylines with new housing projects and drive fast and luxurious cars while the poor crawls under the burdens of acute economic hardship and is brutalized by police banditry as he tries to petty-trade for survival. The civil servant, for which the government exists, continue to grapple with meaningless pay rise while big shots live flamboyantly, as soldiers and police patriots are delivered salaries that make them appear unemployed. Nurses and Doctors that save lives are themselves doomed to a life of hunger and lack as a result of extremely inadequate salary arrears. The time to change this nightmare has been summoned, and we march forward to change the ills of a lifetime. Therefore, the People have seized the initiative. We are fed-up with incompetence, rampant corruption, nepotism and immoral leaders, which in large part are responsible for the high illiteracy rate, a bankrupt economy, lawlessness, and mass poverty. Liberia’s transformation must begin now! Considering the changes that must be implemented before the next general elections, there can be no doubt as to the standing of individuals overseeing the process. They must, without exception, enjoy the trust, confidence and respect of the Liberian people, and have not in any way contributed to the past or present carnage. War Crimes & Transitional Justice Issues As the first post-war president serving a second term, who was expected to lead the transition from war to lasting peace, as well as bind the wounds and spearhead reconciliation, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, leader of a failed state, by her own confessions Mrs. Sirleaf is one of those bearing the greatest responsibility for the atrocities perpetrated against tens of thousands of defenseless civilians. As such she is in no position to implement the changes this country desperately needs; neither can she be an effective post-war leader. We hope the President, for the good of this nation, will make the right decision before soon. The People of Liberia have suffered disproportionately and are tired of lies and manipulation. And we are not prepared to settle for letting by-gones be by-gones, relegating our posterity to unending cruelty and injustice. Unless the hideous crimes committed during the war are adjudicated in a hybrid court and victims receive proper redress, it is impossible to move on. The country needs healing. And the healing process must begin by holding accountable those responsible for atrocities perpetrated against the people. This will not only signify a major step towards genuine reconciliation, it also will serve as a deterrent. Current statistics on Liberia no doubt paint a somber picture of depravity, hopelessness and despair. There is no arguing the country is broken and disintegrating daily. And yes, the people are trapped in poverty, ignorance and disease. However, missing from the data is the cruelty of immoral leaders who for decades have systematically raped, robbed, pillaged, abused, misused, and deceived; ultimately breaking the spirits of an otherwise kind, compassionate and industrious people. This consistent pattern of violence masked as politics must end now. With the indictment and removal of Charles Taylor from the presidency, Liberians were of the belief a new day had dawned; and this unprecedented act was a clean break with the past. Yet, seven years later, progress is bogged down on account of greed and selfishness. This proves that it is unwise to put old wine into new skins. Should we lose this opportunity to effect changes that are long overdue, no telling what the future will bring. Rising to this critical occasion is The National Campaign for the Survival of Liberia, or ‘NOW-CAMPAIGN’; IT’S a NON-PARTISAN potpourri of institutions and a consortium of all Liberian efforts for a new Liberia. For weeks now, the momentum has been building for the grand finale for democratic change, and all of God’s children are the sole reliance of this struggle; be it Muslims, Christians, Atheists, students, marketers, soldiers, policemen, government officials, Yana Boys, this revolution cannot be successful without your sacrifice and gallantry. With more than 5,000 foot soldiers already enlisted for this inevitable national duty, it’s your time to get mobilized for a better Liberia. Let’s rise, brothers and sisters, and defeat the line, hook and sinker of endemic corruption as we pride ourselves as the emerging macrocosm of the liberation struggle of the suffering masses. It’s time our country’s prayers for change get a just and unrelenting ‘Yes’ answer. Together, we are lions, the roaring custodians of true political and democratic power! There shall be no dialogue with the wicked; no negotiation until the nation’s ‘Public Enemy #1’, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, resigns! This is the people’s mandate and she must obey because, ‘Power is inherent in the people’. At the movement, petitions are being gathered to legitimize the mandate, which will be followed by incessant nonviolent public protests until ‘Public Enemy’ is overthrown. Names should be accompanied by phone numbers (where possible). Please get a piece of paper and get someone enlisted; tell them, the long-awaited resistance movement for Liberia’s economic freedom, has just started! Enlist now… Watch-out for recruitment hotlines coming soon… This’ the Grand Préamble for a New Liberia Without Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 12:41:59 +0000

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