President Jonathan Says Evil Forces Must Bow President Goodluck - TopicsExpress


President Jonathan Says Evil Forces Must Bow President Goodluck Jonathan has reassured Nigerians once again that the battle against terror would be won. Addressing the congregation that attended the 2014 Democracy Day Interdenominational Service at the National Christian Centre in Abuja, he said that no amount of distraction would succeed in derailing the democratic process. While recounting the achievements of his administration in less than four years, despite the security challenges, Jonathan said that the country would have recorded greater economic progress if not for the distractions. “You can imagine, if this government had not been facing this distraction within this period, definitely, we would have moved further than this”, he said, insisting that since plans to bring government down had failed, “terror would also fail”. He added that the country would “continue to move, in spite of some of the set-backs we are witnessing”. Pastor Goodheart Obi-Ekweme, who delivered the sermon at the service described the challenges assuaging the country as “birth pangs” and that “a baby is about to be born”. “We must not be discouraged. We must encourage ourselves, that we are people of faith. Our hands must be upon the plough, and not look back,” he preached. He further called on the people to “join hands with this government… to see that this nation will arise to the place of glory, that God intended for it to be.” Speaking to journalists, Senate President, David Mark, commended the celebration of 15 years uninterrupted democracy in Nigeria, noting that “the lesson from it is, we must sustain democracy” and build strong democratic institutions.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 08:48:29 +0000

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