President Obama - worst salesman EVER? Have you noticed how much - TopicsExpress


President Obama - worst salesman EVER? Have you noticed how much time President Obama spends trying to sell the American citizens something? Hope, change, stimulus, ACA, Green energy....and yet the results have proven that whatever he has touched, has withered, broken, been a fraud, or outright deception? The ONLY thing he has done well, ironically, is NOT to sell something, to RESTRICT something, that has totally stimulated one sector of the economy since hes taken office - gun and bullet sales. Off the charts. Pretty soon this country will look like Switzerland - a gun in every closet. Well, half the closets, we know most liberals dont know how to use them and are scared of them. :) Wonder why the Swiss dont have record murder rates in THEIR country, with so many guns around? Oh yeah, its high standards, morals, and COMMON SENSE, something banned in schools these days. Well, at least some people still have those, wish more did. I remember taking a gun course in middle school, and getting an NRA certificate back in the 70s. Imagine that, guns on school grounds, and no one was hurt, or scared. Back when common sense ruled. but I guess that is living in the past. we could use more of that nowadays....
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 03:55:28 +0000

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