President Obama Names an Openly Gay, Black Federal Judge January - TopicsExpress


President Obama Names an Openly Gay, Black Federal Judge January 19, 2014 | Filed under: News | Posted by: daphne R By Daphne R President Barack Obama has nominated a Black lesbian judge to the US District Court. This is the first time in nearly 20 years that a lesbian has been nominated. The President has named Staci Michelle Yandle, a private practice judge, to the Southern District seat in his home state of Illinois. Once confirmed, Yandle will be the first ever African American judge to serve on that court and the first openly-gay judge in the 7th Circuit Court. The 7th Circuit Court includes the states of Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. “I am pleased to nominate these distinguished individuals to serve on the United States District Court bench,” President Obama said. “I am confident they will serve the American people with integrity and a steadfast commitment to justice.” This appointment would make President Obama the record-holder for nominating more African American and LGBT judges to the courts than any other U.S. president. President Bill Clinton was the last president to nominate an openly-gay judge in 1994 when he named Deborah Batt to the Southern District of New York. Batts served until 2012. Michael Cole-Schwartz, a spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign, praised the President for his choice. “The nomination of Staci Michelle Yandle is further evidence that the administration is committed to building a judiciary that reflects the diversity of our country,” the LGBT advocate said. “She is a highly qualified nominee who will serve with distinction.” Denis Dison, spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, added: “Our government, including the judiciary, works best when it benefits from the perspectives and experiences of all Americans, so we applaud the president’s effort to increase diversity on the federal bench…Staci Yandle’s nomination is also a reminder of the enormous talent, professionalism and diversity that exists within the American LGBT community, and we congratulate her on this achievement.” In addition to Judge Yandle, Obama has also nominated Steven Bough, Franklin Boulware II and Salvador Mendoza, Jr., who will become the first Hispanic judge, if appointed. All of the nominees must receive confirmation from the U.S. Senate before officially seated on the bench. ____ Daphne R is an experienced marketing and communications professional that provides social commentary, self-help, tips, and reports news of events that matter to African Americans.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 07:27:11 +0000

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