President Obama, The war in Iraq/Syria against ISIS and - TopicsExpress


President Obama, The war in Iraq/Syria against ISIS and any other terrorist group in the Middle East is unwinnable for three reasons: 1. The United States cannot win a war against a people who are backed by the Pan Arab countries (oil producing nations) whom we pay billions of dollars for oil, land rights, and political favors. These countries essentially use that money to fund sectarian fighting, purchase lethal aid, and co-opt Sunni Arabs loyal to their interests. 2. The United States, a Christian country, will never be able to win the hearts and minds of Islamic countrymen who for centuries practiced sectarian cleansing, ethnic displacement, and believes an ancient book (Qur’an) is the only way to conduct business and live daily life. Rule of law and democracy goes to the side that through any means can gain legitimacy and maintain a stable way of life within the parameters the Prophet Mohammad set forth. 3. The United States cannot win a war when its own people, suffering from economic and social oppression and depression, do not believe losing its own sons and daughters lives is a legitimate course of action for bringing world peace to a people who wants to kill Americans (infidels). Mr. President, here are three courses of actions better suited to leave your legacy intact and keep Americans alive: 1. Refrain from further military actions in the Middle East. Instead, continue diplomatic efforts in bringing disenfranchised Sunni Arabs (created by the De-Baathification after the fall of Saddam Hussein) back into the fold politically and economically. Taking their voice and expelling their leaders from economic and political power created a power vacuum. 2. Pick one side, Sunni or Shia. Put the entire might of the United States behind one side with the endstate of using that side to take over Iraq and Syria. Plan for a 50 plus year occupation. But first, build a coalition of economically and structurally developed countries who are capable to provide military forces, economic investments, and civilian technocrats willing and able to rebuild Iraq and Syria. 3. Do nothing. Let the strong survive understanding the strong will rule with an iron fist killing and destroying any opposition. In the aftermath, use the United States’ economic and diplomatic power to co-opt the totalitarian regime with the endstate of the powers that be are to become US friendly. Sincerely, Correll Washington Bilbrew BS Political Science / Journalism North Georgia College MA International Relations Security Policy St. Marys University Senior Intelligence Expert (3 years in Iraq / 4 Years in Afghanistan)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:42:21 +0000

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